Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1


incumbent replacement, 510
phylogeny of amniotes, 455
Tusks, of elephants, 527
Twin studies, 594
Twofold cost of males, 263
Tylas, 51
Type II diabetes, 589, 590
Type specimens, 32
Typhlopidae, 62
Tyrannosauroidea, 457
Tyrannosaurus, 401, 402 , 416, 457
Tyrannosaurus rex, 456

Ulna, 36
Ultimate causes, 7, 371, 386
Ultrabithorax (Ubx) gene, 383–384, 521
Ultrabithorax (Ubx) mutation, 378
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation, 115, 393
Underdominance, 125–126, 127–128
Unequal crossing over, 347
Ungulates, 462
Unicellular slime molds, 296
Uniformitarianism, 9
Universe, origin of, 435
Unrelated individuals, cooperation among,
Unstable equilibrium, 126n2
Upland sandpiper (Bartramia longicauda), 46
Uranium-235, 433
Uric acid, 524
Ursus arctos (brown bear), 527
Ustilago, 346
Ustilago maydis, 38
Uyeda, Josef, 530
Uzbek people, 556

Vacuoles, cyanide-producing, 191, 192
Vahlkampfiid amoebas, 440
Valeria lophostriata, 439
Vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus), 298
Van Valen, Leigh, 325, 499–500
Vangas, 51
Varanus, 50
Variation. See Genetic variation
Variation and Evolution in Plants (Stebbins), 16
Variational theory of change, 14
Vascular plants
colonization of land, 447
genome size, 346
latitudinal diversity gradient, 485
Vegetarian finch, 29
Velcro, 585
Velociraptor, 402 , 456
Velvet worm, 384
Ventastega, 449
Vertebrae, developmental constraints on
evolution, 391
Vertebrates (Vertebrata)
animal phylogeny, 442

colonization of land, 447–449
crystallin proteins, 347, 352
developmental and functional modules in
limb development, 388–389
diversification in the Mesozoic, 454–459
evolutionary changes in opsins, 421
eye evolution, 47
Hox genes and limb development, 380,
sex determination, 250
in the Silurian, 444–446
Tree of Life, 31
Vertical transmission, 315–316
Vervets, 418
Vestigial characters, 44–45
Vestigial horns, 116–117
allopatric speciation and, 236
defined, 474–475
geographic distributions and, 474–477,
Vicugna, 408
Violet saberwing (Campylopterus
hemileucurus), 49
Vipera, 424
Vipera berus, 179, 180
Viperidae, 424 , 425
Vipers, 55, 56
defined, 331
evolution, 331–334
group selection and the evolution of,
horizontal transmission and, 315
genome size, 364
horizontal gene transfer, 88
sex, 248
Vitamin A, 82
Vitamin D, 114–115, 116
Volaticotherium, 458
end-Permian mass extinction, 451
geology of, 432 , 433
Voltaire, 582
von Baer, Karl Ernst, 369, 371
von Baer’s law, 371
Vormela peregusna, 340

W chromosomes, 249, 250 , 423
Waddington, Conrad, 393
Wagner, Catherine, 504
Wagner, Günter, 387, 527–528
Wallace, Alfred Russel, 12–13, 14, 470,
Wallace’s line, 464 , 468 , 471, 472
Warao people, 556
Warbler finches, 29
Warning coloration, 218
eusociality, 308–310
phylogeny of insects, 450

PSR chromosomes, 312
species diversity and key adaptations, 502
Water buffalo, 561
Water-crowfoot (Ranunculus aquatilis), 392
Water fleas (Daphnia)
evolution of pathogen virulence, 332, 333
evolution of resistance to pathogens,
genetic assimilation in, 393
genome size, 540
reaction norms, 155, 156
timing of sexual reproduction in, 264
Water hyacinths, 482
Water lilies, 368
Weasels (Mustelidae), 340
Webspinners, 491–492
Weeds, 280
Weevils, 503
Weismann, August, 15
West Africa, 421, 422
West-Eberhard, Mary Jane, 394
Western diamondback rattlesnake (Crotalus
atrox), 424
Western gorilla (Gorilla gorilla), 548
Western gray squirrel (Sciurus griseus), 36–37
Western screech owl (Megascops kennicottii),
evolution of, 462
loss of distinct tooth identity, 374
phylogeny of mammals, 461
See also Cetaceans
Wheat, 135, 149 , 560 , 561
Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus), 46
Whine calls, 252
Whiptail lizards, 242, 263
White, Andrew Dickson, 573
White campion (Silene latifolia), 270
White clover (Trifolium repens), 191, 192
White-crowned sparrow (Zonotricha
leucophrys), 98
White-handed gibbon (Hylobates lar), 548
White Sands region, 241–242
White-winged cough (Corcorax
melanorhamphos), 67
White yam, 560
Whole genome duplication, 91, 350, 365
Wild parsnip (Pastinaca sativa), 330
Wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo), 302, 303
Wilde, Oscar, 598
Wilkesia gymnoxiphium, 51
Williams, George C., 17, 19 , 64, 281
Wilson, Allan, 382
Wilson, E. O., 587, 596
Winged insects
evolution in the Carboniferous, 449
evolutionary reversals, 47–48
Wingless crickets and grasshoppers, 404, 450
Wingless (wg) gene, 382, 383
modification in penguins, 66–67
See also Insect wings
Wisconsin glacial episode, 463
Wolbachia, 592
Wolffian ridge, 521, 522

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