Evolution, 4th Edition

(Amelia) #1

Wolves, 561
Womb, parent-offspring conflict and, 308
Wombats, 460
Wood-warblers, 506–507
Woodcreepers, 482, 483
Woodpecker finch, 29
Woodpeckers, 425
Woolly mammoth, 463
Workers (eusocial animals), 63, 308–310
Worm snake (Carphophis amoenus), 283
Wright, Sewall, 16 , 126, 127, 180
Wúrm glacial episode, 463
Wyeomyia smithii (pitcher-plant mosquito), 59

X chromosomes
gene trafficking in Drosophila, 354
genomic islands of speciation in Anopheles
mosquitoes, 242
homosexuality and, 595, 596
recombination and, 268
sex determination and, 249, 250
sex ratios and, 423
Xanthopan morganii praedicta (long-tongued
sphinx moth), 321, 322
Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous, 38
Xenarthra, 408 , 460–461, 462 , 472, 473
Xenomystus, 352
Xenopirostris, 51
Xenopus, 390–391
Xiphidae, 71
Xiphophorus helleri (greensword tail), 258

Y chromosomes
selective interference and, 268
sex determination and, 249, 250
sex ratios and, 423
Yaks, 561
Yams, 560 , 561
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium), 198, 233
adaptation and rescue from extinction,
number of protein-coding genes, 346
ruby-in-the-rubbish effect and, 478
Yellow baboon (Papio cynocephalus), 298
Yellow-crowned night heron (Nyctanassa
violacea), 246
Yellow-emperor (Ymp) gene, 349
Yellow fever, 356
Yellow gene, 383, 384
Yellow-headed jawfish (Opistognathus
aurifrons), 274
Yellow protein, 377
Yellow yam, 560
Yokoyama, Shozo, 421
Yoruba people, 556 , 557
Young, Nathan, 388
Yucca moths, 334, 335
Yuccas (Yucca), 334, 335

Z chromosomes, 249, 250 , 423
Zanclidae, 71
Zea mays. See Corn
Zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata), 173,
Zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio), 581
Zigzag nerite (Neritina communis), 78
Zika virus, 356
Zonotricha leucophrys (white-crowned
sparrow), 98
Zosterophyllopsida, 446
Zygentoma (silverfishes), 404, 450

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