- 1 Common Clinical Laboratory Hazards and Waste Disposal......
- 1.1 Waste Disposal in Laboratory
- 2 Blood Collection and Preservation.........................
- 2.1 Blood Collection
- 3 Quality Control in Laboratory............................
- 3.1 Types of Laboratory Errors
- 3.2 Methods to Minimize the Laboratory Errors..............
- 4 Automation in Clinical Laboratory.........................
- 4.1 Types of Autoanalyzers
- 5 Photometry: Colorimeter and Spectrophotometer..............
- 5.1 Colorimeter and Spectrophotometer
- 6 Preparation of General Laboratory Solutions and Buffers.......
- 6.1 Molar Solutions
- 6.1.1 Molarity (M)..............................
- 6.2 Normal Solutions.................................
- 6.2.1 Normality (N).............................
- 6.3 Percent (%) Solutions
- 6.4 Buffer Solutions
- 6.5 Physiological Buffers in the Human Body................
- 6.6 Preparation of Common Laboratory Buffers..............
- 6.6.1 0.2 M Acetate Buffer (pKa 4.86)
- 6.6.2 0.2 M Sodium Phosphate Buffer (pKa 6.86)
- 6.6.3 0.2 M Tris-HCl Buffer (pKa 8.1)................
- 6.1 Molar Solutions
- 7 Examination of Urine for Normal Constituents................
- 7.1 Preservatives Used for Urine Collection
- 7.2 Physical Examination of Urine
- 7.2.1 Color and Odor
- 7.2.2 Appearance...............................
- 7.2.3 Specific Gravity
- 7.2.4 Volume
- 7.2.5 pH......................................
- 7.3 Chemical Examination of Urine
- 7.4 Tests for Inorganic Constituents of Urine
- 7.5 Tests for Organic Constituents
- 7.6 Detection of Urea
- 8 To Perform Qualitative Tests for Urinary Proteins.............
- 8.1 Theory
- 8.2 Tests for Urinary Proteins
- 8.2.1 Dipstick Test
- 8.2.2 The Boiling Test for Coagulable Proteins..........
- 8.2.3 Sulphosalicylic Acid Test
- 8.2.4 Nitric Acid Ring Test (Heller’sTest).............
- 8.2.5 Bence-Jones Proteins........................
- Using Biuret Reaction................................... 9 To Determine the Quantity of Proteins in Urine Sample
- 9.1 Theory
- 9.2 Specimen Requirements
- 9.3 Principle
- 9.4 Reagents........................................
- 9.5 Calculations
- 9.6 Clinical Significance
- and to Find A/G Ratio................................... 10 To Estimate the Amount of Total Protein and Albumin in Serum
- 10.1 Theory
- 10.2 Principle........................................
- 10.3 Specimen Requirements
- 10.4 Reagent
- 10.5 Procedure
- 10.6 Calculations
- 10.7 Estimation of Albumin in Serum
- 10.8 Principle........................................
- 10.9 Reagents........................................
- 10.10 Procedure
- 10.11 Calculations
- 10.12 Clinical Significance
- 10.13 Precautions
- 11 To Perform Qualitative Test for Reducing Substances in Urine...
- 11.1 Theory
- 11.2 Qualitative Test for Reducing Sugars...................
- 11.2.1 Benedict’sTest............................
- 11.2.2 Benedict’s Qualitative Reagent
- 11.2.3 Procedure
- 11.3 CLINISTIX/Uristix................................
- 11.3.1 Procedure
- 11.4 Precautions
- 11.5 Clinical Significance...............................
- 12 Quantitative Analysis of Reducing Sugars in Urine.............
- 12.1 Theory
- 12.2 Specimen Requirement
- 12.3 Principle........................................
- 12.4 Reaction
- 12.5 Reagents........................................
- 12.6 Procedure
- 12.7 Precautions
- 12.8 Calculation
- 12.9 Clinical Significance...............................
- 13 Estimation of Blood Glucose Levels by Glucose Oxidase Method..
- 13.1 Theory
- 13.2 Principle........................................
- 13.3 Specimen Requirements
- 13.4 Reagents........................................
- 13.5 Procedure
- 13.6 Calculations
- 13.7 Clinical Significance...............................
- and Wu Method....................................... 14 To Determine the Blood Glucose Levels by Folin
- 14.1 Principle........................................
- 14.2 Reagents........................................
- 14.3 Procedure
- 14.4 Calculations
- 15 To Perform Glucose Tolerance Test........................
- 15.1 Method of Carrying GTT............................
- 15.2 Specimen Requirements
- 15.3 Principle........................................
- 15.4 Reagents........................................
- 15.5 Procedure
- 15.6 Calculations
- 15.7 Clinical Significance...............................
- 16 Estimation of Urea in Serum and Urine.....................
- 16.1 Theory
- 16.2 Specimen Requirements
- 16.3 Principle........................................
- 16.4 Reagents........................................
- 16.5 Procedure
- 16.6 Calculations
- 16.7 Clinical Significance...............................
- 17 To Determine Urea Clearance.............................
- 17.1 Theory
- 17.2 Maximum Urea Clearance
- 17.3 Standard Urea Clearance
- 17.4 Procedure
- 17.5 Precautions
- 17.6 Clinical Significance...............................
- by Jaffe’s Reaction..................................... 18 To Estimate Creatinine Level in Serum and Urine
- 18.1 Theory
- 18.2 Specimen Requirements
- 18.3 Principle........................................
- 18.4 Reagents........................................
- 18.5 Preparation of Protein-Free Filtrate
- 18.6 Procedure
- 18.7 Calculations
- 18.8 Clinical Significance...............................
- 19 To Determine Creatinine Clearance........................
- 19.1 Theory
- 19.2 Specimen Requirement and Procedure
- 19.3 Clinical Significance...............................
- 20 To Determine the Uric Acid Concentration in Serum and Urine...
- 20.1 Theory
- 20.2 Specimen Requirements
- 20.3 Principle........................................
- 20.4 Reagents........................................
- 20.5 Procedure
- 20.6 Calculations
- 20.7 Clinical Significance...............................
- 20.8 Precautions
- 21 Estimation of Total Calcium in Serum and Urine..............
- 21.1 Theory
- 21.2 Specimen Requirements
- 21.3 Method
- 21.4 Principle........................................
- 21.5 Reagents........................................
- 21.6 Procedure
- 21.7 Calculations
- 21.8 Clinical Significance...............................
- 22 Estimation of Inorganic Phosphorus in Serum and Urine........
- 22.1 Theory
- 22.2 Specimen Requirements
- 22.3 Methodology....................................
- 22.4 Principle........................................
- 22.5 Reagents........................................
- 22.6 Preparation of Protein-Free Filtrates
- 22.7 Procedure
- 22.8 Calculations
- 22.9 Clinical Significance...............................
- 22.10 Precautions
- 23 To Estimate the Amount of Total Cholesterol in Serum.........
- 23.1 Theory
- 23.2 Specimen Requirements
- 23.3 Methodology....................................
- 23.4 Principle........................................
- 23.5 Reagents........................................
- 23.6 Procedure
- 23.7 Calculations
- 23.8 Clinical Significance...............................
- 24 To Estimate Total and Direct Bilirubin in Serum..............
- 24.1 Theory
- 24.2 Specimen Requirements
- 24.3 Principle........................................
- 24.4 Reagents........................................
- 24.5 Procedure
- 24.6 Calculations
- 24.7 Clinical Significance...............................
- Serum............................................... 25 To Determine Alanine and Aspartate Transaminase Activity in
- 25.1 Theory
- 25.2 Specimen Requirements
- 25.3 Principle........................................
- 25.4 Reagents........................................
- 25.5 Procedure
- 25.6 Calculation
- 25.7 Clinical Significance...............................
- 26 To Estimate the Activity of Alkaline Phosphatase in Serum......
- 26.1 Theory
- 26.2 Specimen Requirements
- 26.3 Principle........................................
- 26.4 Reagents........................................
- 26.5 Procedure
- 26.6 Calculations
- 26.7 Clinical Significance...............................
- 27 To Estimate the Activity of Acid Phosphatase in Serum.........
- 27.1 Theory
- 27.2 Specimen Requirements
- 27.3 Principle........................................
- 27.4 Reagents........................................
- 27.5 Procedure
- 27.6 Calculations
- 27.7 Clinical Significance...............................
- 28 To Determine Serum and Urinary Amylase Activity............
- 28.1 Theory
- 28.2 Specimen Requirements
- 28.3 Principle........................................
- 28.4 Reagents........................................
- 28.5 Procedure
- 28.6 Calculation
- 28.7 Clinical Significance...............................
- 29 To Estimate the Activity of Lipase in Serum..................
- 29.1 Theory
- 29.2 Specimen Requirements
- 29.3 Principle........................................
- 29.4 Reagents........................................
- 29.5 Procedure
- 29.6 Calculation
- 29.7 Clinical Significance...............................
- 30 Qualitative Analysis of Ketone Bodies in Urine................
- 30.1 Theory
- 30.2 Rothera’s Test for Acetoacetic Acid and Acetone
- 30.2.1 Principle.................................
- 30.2.2 Reagents
- 30.2.3 Procedure
- 30.2.4 Result
- 30.3 Gerhardt’s FeCl 3 Test for Acetoacetic Acid
- 30.3.1 Reagent
- 30.3.2 Procedure
- 30.4 Ketostix Test for Acetone and Acetoacetate
- 30.4.1 Procedure
- 30.5 Detection ofβ-Hydroxybutyrate
- 30.5.1 Principle.................................
- 30.5.2 Procedure
- 30.6 Clinical Significance...............................
- 31 Qualitative Test for Bile Pigments and Urobilinogen in Urine.....
- 31.1 Theory
- 31.2 Tests for Bile Pigments in Urine
- 31.2.1 Fouchet’sTest.............................
- 31.2.2 Hunter’s Test..............................
- 31.2.3 Gmelin’s Test
- 31.3 Urobilinogen in Urine
- 31.3.1 Ehrlich’s Test..............................
- 31.3.2 Saturated Sodium Acetate Solution
- 31.4 Precautions
- 31.5 Clinical Significance...............................
- in Serum Sample....................................... 32 Determination of Total Lactate Dehydrogenase Activity
- 32.1 Theory
- 32.2 Specimen Requirements
- 32.3 Principle........................................
- 32.4 Reagents........................................
- 32.5 Procedure
- 32.6 Calculation
- 32.7 Clinical Significance...............................
- 33 To Measure Activity of Creatine Kinase in Serum.............
- 33.1 Theory
- 33.2 Sample Requirement...............................
- 33.3 Principle........................................
- 33.4 Enzyme Reagents
- 33.5 Procedure
- 33.6 Calculation
- 33.7 Clinical Significance...............................
- 34 Analysis of Cerebrospinal Fluid for Proteins and Sugars........
- 34.1 Theory
- 34.2 Analysis of Proteins in CSF
- 34.2.1 Pyrogallol Dye-Binding Method
- 34.2.2 Turbidimetry Method........................
- 34.3 Analysis of CSF Glucose
- 34.4 Clinical Significance...............................
- 35 To Measure Lipid Profile in Serum Sample...................
- 35.1 Sample Requirement...............................
- 35.2 Total Cholesterol Estimation
- 35.2.1 Principle.................................
- 35.2.2 Reagents
- 35.2.3 Procedure
- 35.2.4 Calculations
- 35.2.5 Precautions
- 35.3 Triglycerides Estimation
- 35.3.1 Principle.................................
- 35.3.2 Reagents
- 35.3.3 Procedure
- 35.3.4 Precautions
- 35.4 HDL Estimation
- 35.4.1 Principle.................................
- 35.4.2 Reagents
- 35.4.3 Procedure
- 35.4.4 Precautions
- 35.5 LDL Estimation..................................
- 35.5.1 Principle.................................
- 35.5.2 Reagents
- 35.5.3 Procedure
- 35.6 Clinical Significance...............................
- 35.6.1 Cholesterol Levels
- 35.6.2 LDL Values
- 35.6.3 HDL Values...............................
- 35.6.4 Triglycerides..............................
- Photometer........................................... 36 To Estimate Sodium and Potassium in Serum by Using Flame
- 36.1 Theory
- 36.2 Specimen Type, Collection, and Storage
- 36.3 Principle........................................
- 36.4 Reagents........................................
- 36.5 Procedure
- 36.6 Clinical Significance...............................
- 37 To Perform Radioimmunoassay...........................
- 37.1 Principle........................................
- 37.2 Advantage
- 37.3 Applications
- 38 To Perform Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay............
- 38.1 Principle........................................
- 38.2 Sandwich ELISA
- 38.3 Competitive ELISA................................
- 38.4 Direct ELISA
- 38.5 Applications of ELISA
- 39 Some Important Case Studies.............................
- 39.1 Case Studies of Sugar Impairment.....................
- 39.2 Case Studies of Diabetic Ketoacidosis..................
- 39.3 Case Studies of Calcium and Phosphate Impairments
- 39.4 Case Studies of Protein Energy Malnutrition..............
- 39.5 Case Studies of Gout/Uric Acid.......................
- 39.6 Case Studies of Liver Functions.......................
- 39.7 Case Studies of Kidney Functions
- 39.8 Case Studies of Cardiac Functions
- Suggested Readings........................................
- Index...................................................
chris devlin
(Chris Devlin)