the precipitation of cuprous oxide and keeps the cuprous ions in solution. Na 2 CO 3
prevents destruction of sugar by providing the supply of OH ions.
12.4 Reaction
Potassium thiocyanateþCu^2 þ
!cuprous thiocynate
ðÞwhite ppt
Addition of Na 2 CO 3 also helps to visualize end point, which is the disappearance
of blue color.
12.5 Reagents........................................
1.Benedict’s quantitative reagents:
Sol.A: Dissolve 20 g of sodium citrate, 7.5 g of Na 2 CO 3 , and 1.25 g of potassium
thiocyanate in about 60 ml warm water, and cool the solution.
Sol.B: Dissolve 1.8 g of CuSO 4 in 10 ml of distilled water.
Add solution B to solution A gently with constant mixing. To the resultant solution,
add 5% aqueous solution of potassium ferrocyanide. Make thefinal volume to 1 litre
with distilled water.
2.Na 2 CO 3 anhydrous salt
14.3 Procedure
- Pipette out 25 ml of Benedict’s quantitative reagent in 100 ml conicalflask. To
this add 3–4gofNa 2 CO3. - Add few glass beads to reduce bumping and bring to a boil.
- While still in boiling condition, add urine slowly dropwise using the burette, and
mix the contents by shaking. - Add the urine until the blue color changes to white.
- Note the volume of urine used. Repeat the titration to get concordant values.
12.7 Precautions
- Add marbles or glass beads to avoid bumping.
- Sample should be added to boiling reagent slowly with constant shaking.
54 12 Quantitative Analysis of Reducing Sugars in Urine