19.3 Clinical Significance...............................
Normal range of creatinine clearance for male is 95–125 ml/min and for female is
85 – 125 ml/min. Creatinine clearance is a good indicator of GFR as compared to urea
clearance because creatinine is not reabsorbed from the kidney tubules but urea is
reabsorbed from the kidney tubules. The creatinine clearance value is decreased in
case of renal failure/glomerular damage (serum level might be normal) and increased
in case of muscular disorders. Proper hydration of the patient, ensuring a urineflow
of 2 ml/min or more results, is a more precise measure of the GFR. If an average
clearance value of 125 ml/min is taken as 100% clearance, then renal damage may be
assessed as follows:
Up to 70% clearance - Normal
70 – 50% - Mild renal damage
49 – 20% - Moderate damage
Below 20% - Severe damage
80 19 To Determine Creatinine Clearance