
(ff) #1

8.4 Exercises 185

  1. Given a BioML document as in figure 1.3, find all literature references for
    the insulin gene.

  2. In the PubMed database, find all citations dealing with the therapeutic use
    of glutethimide. More precisely, find the citations that have “glutethimide”
    as a major topic descriptor, qualified by “therapeutic use.”

  3. Perform the same task as in exercise 8.3, but further restrict the citations
    to be within the last 6 months.

  4. For the health study database in section 1.2, the subject identifier is a field
    namedSID. Find all subjects in the database for which the BMI of the
    subject increased by more than 4.5 during a period of less than 2 years.

  5. How many associations does GO term 0003673 have?

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