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200 9 The Transformation Process

ment by simply changing one line of the document. In a similar way, one can
specify the style of an XML document using astylesheetas follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xsl-stylesheet type="text/xml" href="transform.xsl"?>

In the example above, the XML document would be transformed by the
stylesheet file named “transform.xsl.” The stylesheet is a separate file just
as in LaTeX. There are many stylesheet languages for XML. Because of this
history, XML transformation programs are often called “stylesheets” even
when the transformation has nothing to do with presentation style.
The three approaches to transformation are covered in the next two chap-
ters. Event-based parsing and tree-based processing are covered using the
Perl programming language in subsections 10.2.2 and 10.2.5. Rule-based
transformation is covered by using the XML Transformation Language in
chapter 11.


A transformation step is performed using one of three main approaches:

  1. Event-based parsing

  2. Tree-based processing

  3. Rule-based transformation

9.5 Automating Transformations

So far we have been assuming that transformations between ontologies will
be specified by people, usually domain experts. It is natural to suppose that
when two ontologies refer to the same concepts, it ought to be possible to
transform from one ontology to the other using some automated process
without the need for human effort. The problem of automating the process
of finding semantic correspondences between different ontologies has been
studied for many years. Most of the work has been for relational database
schemas, but there has also been some recent work on this problem for XML
DTDs and even for the more sophisticated ontologies of the Semantic Web.
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