
(ff) #1

30 1 Hierarchies and Relationships

space URI. When an element name or attribute has a namespace prefix, it is
said to bequalifiedby the namespace.
One can also declare a namespace to be thedefaultnamespace. When there
is a default namespace, then unqualified element names belong to the default
namespace. The example above could be simplified somewhat by using a
default namespace as follows:

<species>Homo sapiens</species>
<sbml:reaction sbml:id="reaction_1" sbml:reversible="false">
<sbml:speciesReference sbml:species="X0"/>
<sbml:speciesReference sbml:species="S1"/>

It is important to note that the default namespace applies only to element
names, not to attributes. Because of this limitation, many authors have cho-
sen to avoid using default namespaces altogether and to explicitly qualify
every element and attribute. This has the advantage that such documents
are somewhat easier to read, especially when one is using more than two or
three namespaces.
The namespace URI need not be the same as the location of the DTD
or schema. For example, the CML core has the namespacehttp://www.
xml-cml.org/schema/cml2/core, but the actual location of the schema
iswww.xml-cml.org/dtdschema/cmlCore.xsd. Consequently, for each
namespace one needs to know the URI, the location and the most commonly
used abbreviation. The namespaces that are the most important for ontolo-
gies are
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