
(ff) #1

80 4 The Semantic Web and Bioinformatics Applications

the additional properties introduced by OWL and the restrictions imposed
by OWL Lite and OWL-DL.
Consider the following characterization of a disease syndrome: “The irido-
corneal endothelial syndrome (ICE) is characterized by corneal endothelium
proliferation and migration, iris atrophy, corneal oedema and/or pigmentary
iris nevi” (Jurowski et al. 2004). In this statement there are four symptoms,
and the ICE syndrome is stated to be characterized by exhibiting one or more
of these symptoms. In OWL one can specify an enumeration as follows:

<owl:Class rdf:ID="ICE-Symptoms">
<owl:oneOf parseType="Collection">
<Symptom name="corneal endothelium
proliferation and migration"/>
<Symptom name="iris atrophy"/>
<Symptom name="corneal oedema"/>
<Symptom name="pigmentary iris nevi"/>

This defines a class of symptoms consisting of exactly the ones specified. One
can then define the ICE syndrome as the subclass of disease for which at least
one of these four symptoms occurs:

<owl:Class rdf:ID="ICE-Syndrome">
<owl:intersectionOf parseType="Collection">
<owl:Class rdf:about="#Disease"/>
<owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#has-symptom"/>

The statements above specify the ICE-Syndrome class as being the intersec-
tion of two sets:

  1. The set of all diseases

  2. The set of things that have at least one of the four ICE symptoms

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