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4.4 The Web Ontology Language 81

An OWL restriction is a way of specifying a set of things that satisfy some
criterion. It is called a “restriction” because it restricts the set of all things
to those that satisfy the criterion. Mathematically, it corresponds to the “set
constructor” whereby a set is defined by a condition on its elements. For
example, {x|x>0} defines the set of positive numbers. Classes are constructed
from classes from by usingowl:intersectionOf(corresponding to the
Boolean AND operator),owl:unionOf(Boolean OR operator), andowl:
complementOf(Boolean NOT operator).
OWL has six set constructors. All of them useowl:Restrictionand
owl:onPropertyas in the ICE-Syndrome example above, together with
one of the following:

  1. owl:someValuesFrom.This is the constructor that was used in the ICE-
    Syndrome example. It defines the set of resources for which the property
    has at least one value in the class.

  2. owl:allValuesFrom.This constructor defines the set of resources for which
    the property only takes values in the class. In other words, the property
    does not take values of any other kind.

  3. owl:hasValue.This constructor defines the set of resources for which the
    property takes the specified value.

  4. owl:maxCardinality.In general, a property can have any number of val-
    ues. This constructor defines the set of resources for which the property
    is limited to have the specified maximum number of values.

  5. owl:minCardinality.This is the reverse ofmaxCardinality. It defines
    the set of resources for which the property is at least the specified mini-
    mum number of values.

  6. owl:cardinality. This constructor defines the set of resources for which
    the property has exactly the specified number of values.

While classes can be constructed in a large variety of ways, OWL has
only one property constructor:owl:inverseOf. The inverse of a prop-
erty is the property for which the roles of subject and object have been re-
versed. For example, in figure 1.14 there are a number of relationships such
asisStoredInandisCitedBy. It may be useful to look at these relation-
ships from the other point of view. Here is how one would define the inverse
properties using OWL:

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