Synthetic Biology Parts, Devices and Applications

(Nandana) #1

122 6 Constitutive and Regulated Promoters in Yeast


Transcription initiation: Initial steps of transcription until the formation of the
first RNA bond.
Promoter: A DNA sequence enabling and regulating transcription initiation.
Transcription initiation start site (TSS): The first nucleotide of a DNA
sequence to be transcribed into RNA.
Core promoter: Promoter region defining the TSS(s) and the assembly of
the PIC.
Pre‐initiation complex (PIC): Protein complex containing RNA polymerase II
and the general transcription factors that assemble on the core promoter.
Transcription factor: A protein regulating transcription initiation. A transcrip-
tion factor is not a subunit of RNA polymerase II.
Upstream element: Promoter region conferring regulation to transcription
initiation. It contains transcription factor binding sites (TFBSs).
Orthogonal system: A system that is independent of cell physiology.


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