Asian Geographic Junior - 08.2018

(やまだぃちぅ) #1



Legend has it that a woman was
washing clothes by a river when she saw two
monkeys fighting. One monkey attacked with
a tree branch while the other dodged it swiftly.
Captivated, the woman stayed to watch. She
forgot the time and got home late, upsetting her
husband. When her husband tried to hit her, she
used her new techniques to dodge his attacks.
This form of fighting eventually became
known as silat. It is also inspired by the
movements of animals like snakes,
eagles, tigers and scorpions.

In ancient Japan, warriors called samurai
waged fierce battles over territor y and
honour. While samurai typically rode into battle
with swords on horseback, they sometimes got
knocked of f their horses or lost their weapons
during fights. In order to defend themselves when
this happened, the ar t of jujitsu was invented.
Instead of tr ying to stop attacks, fighters
strategically used the force of their attackers
against them!


No.49 Issue 3
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