Asian Geographic Junior - 08.2018

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
League of
In this game, players compete
in shor t matches in teams of three
to five. They must travel to an enemy
base and destroy it while protecting
their own base! All players star t at the
same standard, but level up as they
defeat monsters and gain points.
Each match takes place in a
dif ferent world.

Using their own decks,
opponents take turns to play
their cards, with each player
represented by a character with
special powers. The goal is to reduce
the opponent’s health to zero. During
their turn, players can use special
abilities, summon minions to attack
the opponent, or go on quests
to earn gold.

Starcraft II
This game is set in
a faraway corner of our
galaxy and features three races:
humans, aliens, and insects.
Players become the commander
of one of these races and go
on militar y campaigns to win
power in the galaxy.

Arena of
In one of the world’s newest
and most popular games, players
aim to destroy the enemy’s base,
defeating monsters in the jungle to
earn gold and level up. You can even
choose heroes like
Batman and Superman to be
your character!

Clash Royale
The goal of this game is
to destroy the opponent’s base
by using a deck of cards. These
cards can star t actions to attack
the enemy and knock down their
defense towers. Winning a match
gives players the chance to
open a lucky treasure chest,
which contains gold or
special cards.

Pro Evolution
Soccer 2018
This game lets gamers play
vir tual soccer using their favourite
athletes (ike Ronaldo and Neymar)
as characters! In the background,
there’s a crowd chanting, and players
can choose which stadium they
want to play in, as well as items
like soccer boots for their

Internet cafes become
popular when people star t
playing video games there

The Olympic Committee
makes e-spor ts a
medal event

Five e-spor ts players
get to run with the Olympic
torch at the Winter Olympics
in South Korea

E-spor ts will be
an event at the
upcoming Asian Games
in Indonesia

No.49 Issue 3
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