Asian Geographic Junior - 08.2018

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

This unexpected treat helps
to heal your muscles after
exercise. But don’t drink just any
chocolate milk: Low fat chocolate
milk is the best as a post-workout
treat. We would advise against
drinking more than a glass or
you might get a bad case of
sugar rush.

Here’s a tip for your next game

  • eat a lot of pasta the night
    before! Pasta, bread and rice will
    give you a boost as your body
    conver ts the food to energy. If
    you eat a lot of these foods the
    night before exercise, your body
    will be full of stored energy for
    you to use!

This delicious spread is
a super-fuel for the body.
Peanut butter is digested
ver y slowly, so you will
have a stable release
of energy to last the
whole game.


No.49 Issue 3
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