Asian Geographic Junior - 08.2018

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

This might sound surprising, but
energy drinks may not actually be
good for you. While these drinks help
to replenish energy lost during exercise,
they don’t help if you have exercised for
less than 90 minutes. This is because of
our usual culprit – sugar! Spor ts drinks can
contain up to 34g of sugar – that’s about
eight teaspoons! So, the next time you
want a refreshing drink, why
don’t you tr y something like
coconut water or sour cherr y
juice instead?

These snacks often look really
healthy – they have nuts, fruits
and oats. But take a look at the
ingredients list and you’ll
usually find that sugar is one of the
main components. There’s nothing
wrong with a little sugar ever y now
and then, but too much will make
you feel sluggish and
tired after the “rush”
is gone.


No.49 Issue 3
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