Racing Pigeon Pictorial International – June 2018

(C. Jardin) #1

‘handsome is as handsome does’
to be very accurate judging by
the amazing performances of
the post war Huyskens-Van

I am told that the double decker
loft which was situated in Cois
Huysken’s large garden was
designed close to perfection
being spacious and with plenty
of fresh air but no drafts. For 11
years between 1945 until 1956
which must has seemed like an
eternity to the competition the
birds belonging to Huyskens-Van
Riel terrorised the Antwerp
Union and beyond before the
decision was made to sell their
team. The bidders at the sale
dispersed birds to many countries

around the globe.

After leaving the museum I was
introduced to Freddy de Prins
who has recently been selected to
re-introduce racing from the old
Scheemaecker loft site. I must
admit that I thought it rather sad
when on my previous visit a
couple of years earlier to see the
lofts lying empty. While chatting
to Freddy it was clear that he has
big ambitions and plans for the
future and I will watch out for
the name Scheemaecker in the
forthcoming years.

For anyone visiting Antwerp I can
recommend a trip over to Sint
Antonius but before you go there
make sure that it is open.

‘Super Ben’ one of the finest Barcelona birds ever owned and raced
by Robert Ben.

Legends of Pigeon
Racing –
Roger J Lowe

Roger Lowe started
his racing pigeon
career in 1971 in
Reading a hot bed
of the best flyers.
Recognised today
as Orbital Lofts he
is well known all
over Europe
having won numerous Classic and
National races.
In this film Roger explains his systems
and methods which has taken him to the
top of this sport including breeding,
feeding, training, loft management, flying
old birds on the widowhood system and
visiting NFC marking station with his
birds. Also included is young bird
management involving the darkness and
lofts system.

Legends of Long
Distance Pigeon
Racing –
Mr & Mrs
Geoff Kirkland

One of England’s
top ambassadors
in the sport of
pigeon racing is
Geoff Kirkland.
With 11 National
wins to his credit
to date his performances are outstanding.
Today together with his wife Barbara
these modest fanciers continue to win at
all distances at the highest level.
In this 2 hour film Geoff talks about his:-
Background, Widowhood – hen and cock
lofts, Feeding and medication, Young
Bird Lofts, Stock Birds.
In this informative and educational film
Geoff shares his methods and thoughts
that can only help others who wish to
succeed in pigeon racing.



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