
(avery) #1

Haruhisa Handa wears many hats. Not only
is he president of HANDA Watch World, a
chain of boutiques that specialize in luxury
watches, he is also a philanthropist and edu-
cator. When Jackie Chan first heard from a
friend that Handa is “fluent in eight languages
and well versed in Chinese opera and a dedi-
cated philanthropist,” it piqued his interest.
One thing led to another and before he

knew it, the Hong Kong actor had agreed to
become the company’s ambassador. He then
flew to Tokyo for the sole reason of meeting
face-to-face with Handa at a HANDA Watch
World event where the two quickly realized
their common interests.
“Over several decades I’ve built about
30 schools for underprivileged children in
China,” says Chan. “In comparison, Mr. Handa

has built over 130 schools. It made me won-
der what kind of person he was. Somehow
it doesn’t feel like we just met. It helps that
Mr. Handa is so personable. I’m excited about
working together on future projects.”

Worldwide Success
In the early 1980s Chan’s popularity soared
in Japan and throughout Asia, and by the

Last December international lm star and HANDA Watch World ambassador Jackie Chan traveled
to Tokyo where he discussed his dreams to make the world a better place—and the journey to turn
them into reality—with fellow benefactor Harushisa Handa.

Jackie Chan was born in Hong Kong in 1954. At age seven he entered the China Drama Academy, a Peking opera school run by Master Yu Jim-Yuen.
For the next 10 years he studied classical opera, acrobatics, martial arts, acting and singing, cultivating the necessary talents to be the superstar
he would one day become. After graduation he distinguished himself as a skilled stuntman. By the time he reached his 20s he was a well-known
action star with a broad cinematic range that included directing, lighting and props.



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