The CEO Magazine EMEA – April 2018

(Amelia) #1 | 101

mean building competencies that we
traditionally may not have had, whether
it is user experience, design or software.”
Looking ahead, Appal will focus on two
main areas: product innovation and revenue
growth. “We have to continue to keep up
with the dramatic pace of IT and the IT
infrastructure evolution. It’s a multi-year
journey and, clearly, we are on track
“The other thing is that we are making
a big push into the IT channel market.
Traditionally, we have been using resource-
intensive, highly customised, direct-selling
business models. We’ll continue to do that
but with more of a focus on the value-added
solutions instead.
“Further, we’ll also put more effort into
being effective in the IT channel, on fast lead
time, quick replenishment and stock-keeping.
Ultimately, we want to continue doing
business in a more transactional but highly
efficient way.”

with their needs,” Appal says. “At the same time, we spend
a lot of effort undertaking fundamental market research,
whether qualitative or quantitative. Engineers have many
ideas but only a few of them are viable in terms of what
the customer is willing to pay. Balancing those is an
important task.”
Vertiv also employs customer advisory boards to get
a better sense of how products are being received. “We
invite them to come and talk to us,” Appal says. “We’re
gratified by them coming over and telling us exactly what
they think. Even if they don’t exactly extol our virtues, we
would still like their feedback. This is so we can make the
adjustments necessary to meet their expectations.”
Simultaneously, the company has to ensure it adapts to
the broader changes in technology. “It’s undeniable that the
world is going through a dramatic evolution in terms of
what people expect from devices,” Appal says. “My toddler
was trying to swipe a magazine because that’s what you’re
used to on the iPad... I think customers expect interfaces
to be of a certain nature, given those expectations are being
set by other consumer devices. We have to keep up with this
trend whether it is in the human-centred design, usability or
user-experience design.
“It’s not just a product anymore; it is all the other things
that are around it that we are concerned with. And that may

Appal Chintapalli shares his top tips:

  • Ensure appropriate delegation of tasks. “If you delegate
    to the wrong person you may have to do it again.”

  • Have short meetings with clear objectives.

  • Don’t procrastinate on making decisions. “It really
    improves productivity if you can make that call
    today, with 70 to 80 per cent of the information,
    rather than waiting for 95 per cent.”

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