IFR Magazine – January 20, 2018

(Grace) #1

level offering 2bp of new issue premium.
DNB managed to price the largest non-
CBPP3-eligible trade of the year so far.
That bodes well for the SWEDISH COVERED
BOND CORPORATION (SCBC) which mandated
Barclays, HSBC, LBBW, Nordea and UBS on
Friday for a seven-year euro benchmark
covered bond, expected to be rated Aaa by
But while non-CBPP3 eligible names
proved a popular choice for investors,
scrap of demand.
Rauch, portfolio manager and head of covered
bonds research at Union Investments.
“However, there is no blow-out and books
are not that oversubscribed.”
BAYERISCHE LANDESBANK drew over €700m of
demand for a €500m no-grow January 2028
that priced at 15bp through mid-swaps, for
And lack of performance has left investors
“Initial spread performance is almost non-
existent - maybe at 1bp,” said Rauch. “The
majority of the paper is not performing.”
Another investor said he expected new
issue premiums to go up from the 3bp on
average that issuers have been paying.

“For the eligible names, spreads are
super tight,” said a senior syndicate
we saw quite a large repricing in SSAs, a
widening of 3bp-5bp. However, covered
bonds haven’t moved at all and especially in
outright terms, they’re expensive versus
SSAs and if there is a market that has been
corseted by the ECB purchase programme,
it’s covered bonds.”
For investors, this means a bit more
caution, especially in the longer end of the
“I can see why issuers are interested in
putting comparatively long-dated paper into
the market, but it’s a bit more challenging if
you’re an investor and looking at the
horizon which is characterised by increases
Davies, head of covered bonds and ABS at
NN Investment Partners.

A change in covered bond supply and
redemption dynamics is also something that
issuers may have to start to contend with.
“The technicals aren’t that great,” the
senior syndicate banker said.
“You have much lower redemptions in
the space than last year, and even taking
away the risk of the ECB going to zero,

you’re still looking at net positive supply for
Year-to-date issuance of €21.25bn has
surpassed the volume of euro benchmark
redemptions since the start of this year by
around €15bn, according to ABN AMRO
One issuer that will offer investors a far
more attractive spread than the tighter core
names is ALPHA BANK, the last of the big four
Greek banks to return to the debt capital
Barclays, Citigroup, Commerzbank, JP Morgan
and NatWest Markets have been mandated for
expected to be €500m in size.
A Eurobank €500m 2.75% three-year
covered is bid around 2.39% on Tradeweb,
having priced at a yield of 2.98% in October.
The Alpha deal, which is expected to
be rated B3 by Moody’s and B by Fitch,
will follow investor meetings from
January 22-24.


deal since the European Central Bank said it
would no longer buy CPT structures from
sub-investment-grade issuers.

Real money disdain leaves ECB to do

covered heavy lifting

„ COVERED BONDS Central bank ramps up purchases

Real money investors, deterred by the tight
pricing levels on covered bonds, have shrunk the
size of their orders in the primary market, leaving
the ECB to do the heavy lifting when it comes to
new issues.
Fears that the covered bond market would be
adversely impacted by the ECB’s cut in its asset
purchase programme from €60bn to €30bn
a month have not materialised. Instead, the
central bank has ramped up purchases.
It bought more than €1.6bn in the week to
January 12, which was more than double the
€682m it bought on average between April to
mid-December 2017, according to Citigroup.
“The good news is that obviously the ECB
is not scaling back its appetite,” said one DCM
For example, 56% of Credit Agricole’s €1.25bn
January 2026s were allocated to central banks.
But while the central bank’s high participation
in the primary market might allay fears about its
commitment to the covered market, it is also a

symptom of real money investors’ reluctance to
buy deals at the such tight levels. This is despite
the fact that issuers are paying bigger new issue
premiums than last year.
“Investors are more price-sensitive and
cautious than central banks, so more [central]
banks are coming in to take their place,” the
DCM banker said.
Central bank purchases have also given
peripheral issuers a helping hand, with 47%
of Banco BPM’s €750m January 2025 debut
covered issue going to monetary authorities or
official institutions.
The 12-year tranche of UBI’s lacklustre two-
parter was also supported heavily by central
banks, which took 47% of the overall allocations.
“Usually, we try to scale back the ECB, so they
get a very average allocation, but I think in some
of the recent deals they had to fill them for the
whole order size,” said another banker.
The importance of the role of the covered
bond programme within the ECB’s QE

programme is still relatively modest, when
comparing it with sovereigns, said the first
The ECB has bought almost €1.9trn of assets
under its public sector purchase programme
compared with €242bn in covered bonds.
The picture will only change should the ECB
stop its asset purchases completely, potentially
in September, but is expected to remain
unchanged for now.
“We expect them to carry on acting as they do
and I don’t expect this to change,” said a third
Another reason for the heightened central
bank allocations stems from the overall move of
investors out of covered bonds and into credit
and other asset classes.
“The allocation of private money has
obviously changed and there are other ways to
invest,” said the banker, who also sees these
allocations continuing.
Merle Crichton
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