Asian Diver — October 2017

(Michael S) #1

Mangroves store 50 times
more carbon in their
soil per square metre
than the same amount of
Amazon rainforest

Liz Cunningham is the author of
Ocean Country: One Woman’s Voyage
from Peril to Hope in Her Quest to
Save the Seas (North Atlantic Books)
and Talking Politics: Choosing the
President in the Television Age
(Praeger). This article is part of her
research for her upcoming book,
Every Breath, which is about breath
in marine mammals and aquatic
microbiomes. Visit her at:
Twenty-one percent of Ocean
Country royalties are being donated
to the New England Aquarium’s
Marine Conservation Action Fund.
That percentage was chosen
because it’s the percentage of
oxygen in each breath we take.
Over half of that oxygen comes from
plants and algae in the ocean. Every
other breath is thanks to them.
More information about mangrove
restoration can be found at the
Mangrove Action Network Web Site:

and provides 60,000 mangrove seedlings
a year for restoration efforts.
There are all kinds of peace in the
world. The peace of reconciliation, the
peace of community. That night I got a
taste of the peace of restoration.
People make choices. They have
a reverence for what Nature provides
them with and the wherewithal to make
choices that support that. It speaks to
our capacity to act collectively, when we
know what we need to do to take care of
ourselves and our communities.
There were other choices that had
changed life in the village dramatically.
The village elders had elected to spend
funds granted by Bunaken National Park
on a well. In many parts of the world
people are trapped in a vicious circle
because of one simple thing: lack of
access to clean water. Whatever money
they make in a day, the lion’s share
of that is often spent on water.
The United Nations estimates that
one out of 10 people in the world
lack access to clean water. Drilling a
well for the village freed up resources
for things like education, food, and
health care.
I stayed in a small lodge nestled in
the jungle, Bahowo Lodge. The owners,

Phil and Paula Larcher, supported a
wide array of projects, among them a
health clinic, a village school, a school
bus, a sponsorship plan for students,
including university students, and costs
like replacing broken pumps for the well.
As a civilisation, we’ve suffered
from “infinite-titis” – the damaging
assumption that the ocean, the forests,
and our water supplies are infinite.
Now we are navigating a world of
limited and depleted resources. What
was happening in Bahowo was ample
evidence that there’s a resource that’s
not only not depleted, but in fact
underused: our capacity to change,
to innovate, and to come together
as communities. “What if” questions
unleash that capacity: What if we started
drawing on that resource as if it were
almost infinite? What would we do?
How would that change our world? AD

TOP North Sulawesi
boasts a large number
of active volcanoes

ABOVE Nyomen, standing,
with his close friend,
Arnold, who weaves his
own fishing nets by hand
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