Asian Diver — October 2017

(Michael S) #1

Ulana is a trip into the

movie Avatar when

photographed at night.

Everything changes; from

the colour of the leaves,

the critters that emerge

from who-knows-where,

and the lighting...

assignment in mind, you will soon
discover how easy it is to turn Nature
into a fairy tale. Lotus blooms
between seven to nine in the morning
make for great split shots. Enter the
water between eleven and four in the
afternoon and you will be greeted
with beautiful rays of light, which
makes Snell’s window shots such
a pleasure. With the right tool and
the right idea, this is an underwater
photographer’s playground.

For those who prefer something
really special, Uluna is a trip into the
movie Avatar when photographed
at night. This was my favourite
experience and, for me, the highlight
of photographing in Uluna. Everything
changes; from the colour of the leaves,
the freshwater critters that emerge
from who-knows-where, and the most
challenging part – the lighting. Trust me,
if it challenges you, it rewards you, and
Ulana will do just that, so be prepared. AD
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