Alma Jane
Sabang Wrecks
Coral Cove
Sinandigan Wall
Giant Clams
St Christopher
“If you are diving a macro site, bring
a magnifying glass!
Many little critters pop into focus
once divers get a chance to have
a closer look. Especially at sites
with no current, focus on a single
critter and examine colour patterns,
distinguishing factors and more.
A camera with a macro lens can offer
the same results, but if you’re lacking
sophisticated electronic equipment,
pick up a regular magnifying glass
and drill a small hole through the
handle. Pass a cord through it and
clip to your BCD!
Voila, you are now on your way to
becoming a macro master!”
- Marco Inocencio, Marine Biologist,
Atlantis Dive Resorts
Puerto Galera is an excellent place
for critter diving. Blue-ring octopus,
pygmy seahorses, mandarinfish and
dozens of nudibranch species are
awaiting divers at dive sites that offer
easy diving with no current, and sandy
or grassy substrates.
A couple of dive sites worth visiting
include “Giant Clams”, a protected area
in Puerto Galera Bay with clams that
are hundreds of years old and which can
be as much as 1.5 metres wide. Sloping
down to a sandy grass-covered bottom,
this is a popular site for spotting hairy
LEFT The reefs are
abuzz with life in
Puerto Galera
ABOVE Get up close and
personal with critters
like this Rhinopias
Simon Lorenz Simon Lorenz
frogfish, mimic octopus, wonderpus
and flamboyant cuttlefish. Lesser
known dive sites with excellent macro
include “Montani” and “Shipyard”.
“Coral Cove” is another excellent
macro site, with a sloping reef filled
with nudibranchs, ribbon eels,
pipefish, frogfish, seahorses, and
orangutan crabs. “Sinandigan Wall” is
a 30-metre-deep wall with a profusion
of nudibranchs littering its sandy,
boulder-strewn bottom. This is a
great place to spot leaffish, frogfish,
crocodilefish, various anemones, and
plenty of small shrimp residing in the
mushroom corals.
Puerto Galera has optimal
conditions for certifications. Learn
to dive while experiencing the
stunning marine diversity of the
Coral Triangle!
Sabang Beach is the vibrant centre EXPAND YOUR HORIZONS!
of tourism of Puerto Galera, with many
restaurants and shops. Immerse yourself
in the culture as well as the area’s
phenomenal diving...