Asian Diver — October 2017

(Michael S) #1


South Australia

Thousands of giant cuttlefish gather
each winter in the shallow waters of
South Australia’s Upper Spencer Gulf
for their once-in-a-lifetime spawning.

Males compete for territories that have
the best crevices for egg laying and
then attract females with mesmerising
displays of changing skin colour, texture
and pattern. The Australian giant
cuttlefish aggregation is truly one of
Nature’s great events.
Divers are overwhelmed and often
underestimate the sheer numbers
that they will see on any given dive.
In less than three metres of water you

are surrounded by hundreds of giant
cuttlefish in the middle of mating, and
competing vigorously.
This event is so fragile, in 2013–14
many believed the aggregation was
over as the numbers were not returning
and the previous year saw very few
cuttlefish in the area. But you cannot
underestimate Nature, and in 2015, the
numbers were back up in the thousands
and it appeared that the cuttlefish had


By Scott Portelli


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