Asian Diver — October 2017

(Michael S) #1





Analysis of the evidence does suggest
that these animals really are approaching
divers specifically to get their help. But,
while these feel-good tales of inter-species
communication and understanding are
heartwarming indeed, it’s ironic that these
entanglements and impalings are all the
result of human activity in the first place...

IT SEEMS AS if every other week another
story surfaces of some variety of marine-
life-in-distress approaching divers for
help removing hooks, fishing line, or bits
of ghost netting.
But what’s going on? Are divers high
on nitrogen mistakenly interpreting
natural curiosity as a request for
assistance? Or do some animals like
dolphins, whales, manta rays, and a
number of species know that humans
can and will lend a helping hand in their
time of need?
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