Materiality and the Modern Cosmopolitan Novel

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202 Notes

on Literature , ed. Anton Leist and Peter Singer (New York: Columbia
University Press, 2010), pp. 19–42 (p. 24).
32. Ibid., p. 36.
3 3. F o u c a u l t , Discipline, p. 8.
3 4. I b i d.
3 5. I b i d. , p. 9 7.
36. Benita Parry, “Speech and Silence in the Fictions of J. M. Coetzee,” in
Critical Perspectives on J. M. Coetzee , ed. Graham Huggan and Stephen
Watson (London: Macmillan, 1996), pp. 151–165 (p. 156).
3 7. W r i g h t , Writing “Out of All the Camps, ” p. 81.
3 8. M i c h e l F o u c a u l t , The Archaeology of Knowledge , trans. Alan Sheridan
(London: Routledge, 1989), p. 211.
3 9. I b i d.
4 0. L e v i n a s , To t a l i t y , p. 51.
4 1. R o b e r t M a r z e c , An Ecological and Postcolonial Study of Literature:
From Daniel Defoe to Salman Rushdie (New York: Palgrave Macmillan,
2007), p. 69.
42. Maria Boletsi, “Barbaric Encounters: Rethinking Barbarism in C. P.
Cavafy’s and J. M. Coetzee’s Waiting For The Barbarians ,” Comparative
Literature Studies , 44 (2007), 67–96 (p. 78).
4 3. I b i d.
4 4. J. M. C o e t z e e , Disgrace (London: Vintage, 2000), p. 143.
4 5. F y o d o r D o s t o e v s k y , Crime and Punishment , trans. Constance Garnett
(New York: Barnes and Noble Classics, 2007), p. 190.
4 6. S e e L e v i n a s , To t a l i t y , p. 41.
47. Ibid., p. 43.
48. Adriaan van Heerden, “Disgrace, Desire, and the Dark Side of the New
South Africa,” in J. M. Coetzee and Ethics: Philosophical Perspectives on
Literature , ed. Anton Leist and Peter Singer (New York: Columbia
University Press, 2010), pp. 42–63 (p. 49).
4 9. H e a d , Coetzee , pp. 77–78.
5 0. F o u c a u l t , Discipline, pp. 227–236.
51. John Stuart Mill, On Liberty (Massachusetts: Agora, 2003), p. 73.
5 2. M a r t h a N u s s b a u m , Cultivating Humanity: A Classical Defense of
Reform in Liberal Education (Cambridge: Harvard University Press,
2003), p. 90.
5 3. S i m o n C r i t c h l e y , On Humour (London: Routledge, 2002), p. 17.
5 4. I b i d. , p. 2 7 4.
5 5. I b i d.

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