Materiality and the Modern Cosmopolitan Novel

(Romina) #1
Notes 203

  1. Pamela Cooper, “Metamorphosis and Sexuality: Reading the Strange
    Passions of Disgrace ,” Research in African Literatures , 36 (2005), 22–39
    (p. 26).
    5 7. M a r i a n n e D e K o v e n , “ G o i n g t o t h e D o g s i n Disgrace ,” English Literary
    History , 76 (2009), 847–875 (p. 847).

  2. Adriaan van Heerden, “Disgrace, Desire, and the Dark Side of the New
    South Africa,” in J. M. Coetzee and Ethics: Philosophical Perspectives on
    Literature , ed. Anton Leist and Peter Singer (New York: Columbia
    University Press, 2010), pp. 43–64 (p. 57).
    5 9. J. M. C o e t z e e , Elizabeth Costello (London: Vintage, 2004), p. 78.
    6 0. P o y n e r , Coetzee and the Paradox, p. 164.
    6 1. I b i d.

  3. Derek Attridge, The Singularity of Literature (London and New York:
    Routledge, 2004), p. 33.
    6 3. S t e p h e n M u l h a l l , The Wounded Animal: J. M. Coetzee and the Difficulty
    of Reality in Literature in Philosophy (Princeton, NJ: Princeton
    University Press, 2009), p. 38.
    6 4. M u l h a l l , Wounded Animal, p. 172.
    6 5. I b i d.

  4. Elisa Aaltola, “Coetzee and Alternative Animal Ethics,” in J. M.
    Coetzee and Ethics: Philosophical Perspectives on Literature , ed. Anton
    Leist and Peter Singer (New York: Columbia University Press, 2010),
    pp. 118–144 (p. 118).
    6 7. J. M. C o e t z e e , “ I F e e l T h e r e f o r e I A m , ” h t t p : / / o l d. v o i c e l e s s. o r g. a u /
    therefore_I_am.html [Accessed on 22 June 2012].
    6 8. I b i d.

  5. Indeed, this is the very type of analogy that Wright highlights in her anal-
    ysis of animal suffering in Coetzee’s oeuvre which, she concludes, is later
    replaced by a less “symbolic” form of presentation. See Wright, p. 16.
    7 0. W r i g h t , Writing Out of All the Camps, p. 16.

  6. Pollock, “Cosmopolitanisms,” p. 12.

  7. See, for instance, DeKoven, pp. 847–875.


1. Derek Parker Royal, “Pastoral Dreams and American Identity,” in
American Pastoral and I Married a Communist ,” in Philip Roth: New
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