Materiality and the Modern Cosmopolitan Novel

(Romina) #1

204 Notes

Perspectives on an American Author , ed. Derek Parker Royal (Westport:
Greenwood Publishing, 2005), pp. 185–208 (p. 186).
2. I b i d. , p p. 1 8 7.
3. D e b r a B. S h o s t a k , Philip Roth: Countertexts, Counterlives (Columbia:
University of South Carolina Press, 2004), p. 233.
4. Hannah Spector, “The Cosmopolitan Imagination in Philip Roth’s
‘Eli, the Fanatic,’” Journal of Curriculum Theorizing , 3 (2011), 224–
238 (p. 227).
5. I b i d. , p. 2 2 6.
6. R o s s P o s n o c k , Philip Roth’s Rude Truth: The Art of Immaturity (New
Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2006), pp. 3–4.
7. H e n r y J a m e s , Henry James Letters: 1843–1875 , ed. Leon Edel
(Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1974), p. 77.
8. S h o s t a k , Philip Roth , p. 4.
9. P i e r r e M a c h e r e y , A Theory of Literary Production , trans. Geoffrey Wall
(New York: Routledge, 2006 [1966]), p. 88.
10. For more on the distinction, see John Thurston, “Symptomatic
Reading,” in Encyclopaedia of Contemporary Literary Theory: Approaches,
Scholars, Terms , ed. Irena R. Makaryk (Toronto: University of Toronto
Press, 1993), p. 638.
11. See Philip Roth, “Defender of the Faith,” in T h e O x f o r d B o o k o f A m e r i c a n
Short Stories , by Joyce Carol Oates (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
2013), pp. 546–567.
1 2. O t f r i e d H ö f f e , Aristotle (New York: State University of New York,
2003), p. 62.
1 3. W a l t e r B e n j a m i n , The Origin of German Tragic Drama (London and
New York: Verso, 1998), p. 29.
14. Simon Goldhill, Reading Greek Tragedy (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2001), p. 69.
1 5. D a v i d R o s e l l i , Theater of the People: Spectators and Society in Ancient
Athens (Austin: University of Texas, 2011), p. 156.
1 6. I b i d.
1 7. M i t c h e l l A b o u l a f i a , Transcendence: On Self-Determination and
Cosmopolitanism (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2010),
p. 159.
1 8. E l a i n e B. S a f e r , Mocking the Age: The Later Novels of Philip Roth
(Albany: State University of New York Press, 2006), p. 79.
1 9. J. M. C o e t z e e , Inner Workings: Literary Essays 2000–2005 (London:
Harvill Secker, 2007), p. 240.
2 0. P o s n o c k , Tr u t h , p. 3.

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