Materiality and the Modern Cosmopolitan Novel

(Romina) #1

220 Index

Disgrace (Coetzee), 99–114
Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 98
Du Bois, W. E. B., 24, 41

Eagleton, Terry, 139, 140, 175
egalitarianism. See equality
Elizabeth Costello (Coetzee), 114 –20
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 154–5, 157–8
distance and, 17, 101–2, 107–8,
120, 153
emotional, 45–7
socio-political equality and, 10
Enlightenment, the, 8, 80, 148
epiphany, 94–5, 98
equality, 10, 131, 148, 160, 164, 173
estrangement, 23, 27, 46, 48–9, 186,
19 0
Levinasian (see Levinas, Emmanuel,
ethics and)
materialist, 17, 77–80, 91–102,
111–20, 160, 186
ethnicity, 18, 128–9, 134–6, 144–5
eugenics, 133, 135
exile, 26, 63–4, 74, 76

fascism, 46. See also Nazism
Faulkner, William, 135–6
focalization, 84, 96, 112, 118, 119
Foe (Coetzee), 82, 85, 87, 124
Foucault, Michel
discipline and, 86–7, 90
punishment and, 89–90
subjectivity and, 23–4, 28
Frank, Anne, 49, 51–3, 75, 86

genocide, 120, 174. See also Holocaust
geography, 8, 36, 62–4, 66, 71
Gifford, Terry, 149–51
Gilroy, Paul, 24–5, 35–6, 38, 41,
62–3, 144
Goodman, Paula, 59, 63
Gowan, Peter, 11

Greenblatt, Stephen, 49–50
guilt, 100, 103, 142, 145, 170. See also

Hall, Stuart, 36
hamartia, 18–19, 129–30, 138–9, 153,
163, 170. See also tragedy
Harvey, David, 8–11, 66, 173, 188
Head, Dominic, 168
Heidegger, Martin, 8–9
Held, David, 3, 9
Higher Ground (Phillips), 28–38
Holocaust, 26–8, 48–53, 86
home. See Phillips, Caryl and home
homosexuality, 32
humanitarianism, 11, 19
hybridity, 21, 36

I Married a Communist (Roth),
168 – 81
identity politics, 35, 62, 72, 144
immigration. See migration
imperialism, 11, 52
In the Falling Snow (Phillips), 71
incarceration. See prison
Indignation (Roth), 134
insanity, 42, 44
intertextuality, 25, 34–5, 38, 47–53,
Islam, 32

James, Henry, 128
Jameson, Fredric, 38, 41, 49, 159
Jewish culture, 58
Jewish history, 41–2
Jewish identity, 129–30

K a f k a , Fr a n z , 115, 117
Kant, Immanuel, 8, 67

Ledent, Bénédict, 34, 35
Levinas, Emmanuel
ethics and, 2–3, 39, 47, 78, 88
otherness and, 2–3, 23, 15–17, 31
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