Materiality and the Modern Cosmopolitan Novel

(Romina) #1

222 Index

Shklovsky, Viktor, 46
Shostak, Debra, 127, 128, 160, 175,
179, 183
Skrbis, Zlatko, 62–3, 67, 164
slavery, 21, 26, 83
Socratic irony, 62
Spector, Hannah, 127, 128
spirituality, 89, 112, 114
Foucault and (see Foucault,
subjectivity and)
history and, 15, 24
metaphysics conceptions of, 3 (see
also Macherey, Pierre, subjectivity
universality and, 14, 38
suicide, 26, 42–3
syntax, 39–40, 49, 171

terrorism, 160
The Human Stain (Roth), 129–46
The Nature of Blood (Phillips), 38–61
Thoreau, Henry David, 154–5,
157– 8
torture, 89–92, 112, 187–8

tragedy, 18, 19, 129–33, 135–40,
152 – 4 , 158 – 6 0
transnationalism, 21, 61–2
Turner, Bryan S., 7, 10, 62
ref lexivity, 39, 62, 75, 78, 91, 100–2
(see also Levinas, Emmanuel,
otherness and)

unemployment, 117, 159
utopia, 84, 155, 174–5, 178–9

violence, 64, 79, 86–7, 95–6, 122–4,

Waiting for the Barbarians (Coetzee),
Walkowitz, Rebecca, 7–8, 22, 60
Ward, Abigail, 24
Williams, Raymond, 78, 149–51
Woodward, Katherine, 47, 62–3, 67
Wordsworth, William, 104
World War II, 26, 120
Wright, Lauren, 80, 90, 124

Zierler, Wendy, 48, 50
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