
(Tuis.) #1

Bibliography 475

In English

Church Missionary Society Archives
FO 17: Great Britain. Foreign Ofβice. Political and Other Departments: General
Correspondence before 1906. China. From the Foreign Secretary to
the Superintendent of Trade, Hong Kong.
FO 228: Great Britain. Foreign Ofβice. Consulates and Legation, China: General
Correspondence, Series 1. To and from the Superintendent of Trade.
FO 230: Great Britain. Foreign Ofβice. Consulates and Legation, China: Letter
Books. Foochow and Amoy.
FO 663: Great Britain. Foreign Ofβice. Consulates and Legation, Amoy, China:
General Correspondence.
FO 677: Great Britain. Foreign Ofβice. Consulates and Legation, China:
Superintendent of Trade Records.


In Chinese

Bei shi 北史
Cefu yuanguei 冊府元龜. Wang Qinruo, et al., comp. 王欽若等撰.
Chen Kan 陳侃. “Shi Liuqiu lu” 使琉球錄. In TWWXCK, no. 287.
Chen Lunjiong 陳倫炯. Haiguo wenjian lu 海國聞見錄.
Chen Mauren 陳懋仁. Quannan zazhi 泉南雜志.
Chen Renxi 陳仁錫. Huangming shifa lu 皇明世法錄.
Chongxiu Taiwan fuzhi 重修台灣府志. In TWWXCK, no. 105
Chouhai tubian 籌海圖編, comp. Hu Zongxian 胡宗憲, Zheng Ruozeng 鄭若曾,
et al.
Da Qing yitong zhi 大清一統志.
Dehua xianzhi 德化縣志. Jiajing [1522‒66] ed.
Ding Yuejian 丁曰健. Zhi tai bigao lu 治臺必告錄. In TWWXCK, no. 17.
Dong Yingjü 董應舉. Chongxiang ji xuanlu 崇相集選錄. In TWWXCK, no. 237.
Dongguan xianzhi 東莞縣志. Comp. Chen Botao 陳伯陶編撰. Orig., 1911.
Du You, comp. 杜佑編撰. Tongdian 通典.
Du Zhen 杜臻. Yue-Min xunshi jilue 粤閩巡视記略.
Enping xianzhie 恩平縣志, 1637 ed.
Fa Xian 法顯. Fa Xian zhuan jiaozhu 法顯傳校注. Annotated by Zhang Xun 章巽.
Reprint, Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 2008.
Fan Lai 范淶. Liang-Zhe haifang leikao xubian 兩浙海防類考續編, 1602 ed.
Fang Yizhi 方以智. Wuli xiaoshi 物理小識.
Feng Zhang 馮璋. “Tong fanbo yi” 通蕃舶議. In MJSWB, 280: 16a‒20a.
Fu Yuanchu 傅元初. “Qing kai yangjin shu” 請開洋禁疏. In Gu Yanwu. TXJGLBS,
26: 33a‒34a.
Fujian tongzhi 福建通志, 1871 ed.
Fujian tongzchi taiwan fu 福建通志台灣府. Taipei: The Bank of Taiwan Economic
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Gao Qi 高岐. Fujian shibo tijusi zhi 福建市舶提举司志.

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