
(Tuis.) #1

Bibliography 479

In English

Alcock, Rutherford. “Report on Maritime Trade of China”. In FO 17/142, no. 16,
April 14, 1848, Enclosure. Also in British Parliament Papers (BPP), China, 40;
and North China Herald (NCH), 1: 23 (4.1.1851), pp. 90‒1.
Anon. “A Dissertation upon the Commerce of China”. In Nineteenth Century China:
Five Imperialist Perspectives. Michigan Papers in Chinese Studies, No. 13,
Boxer, C.R. The Great Ship from Amacon: Annals of Macao and the Old Trade,
1555 ‒ 1640. Lisbon: Centro de Estudos Historicos Ultramarinos, 1959. Part 2
of the book contains 160 pages of Portuguese documents written during
___. South China in the Sixteenth Century. Reproduced from the Hakluyt Society;
Nendeln: Kraus Reprint Ltd, 1967. Part 2 contains three contemporary
Portuguese accounts respectively by Galcote Pereira, who was among the
captives during the Zoumaxi incident in 1549, Fr. Gaspar da Cruz, who visited
Canton in 1556, and Fr. Martin de Rada, who was on a mission to Fujian in
British Parliamentary Papers (BPP). China, 40: Statistical Returns, Accounts and
Other Papers Respecting the Trade between Great Britain and China, 1802‒88.
Shannon: Irish University Press, 1972.
China, Imperial Maritime Customs. Treaties, Conventions, Etc., between China and
Foreign States, Vol. 1 (1908).
The Church Missionary Intelligencer.
Crawfurd, John. The Crawfurd Papers: A Collection of Ofϔicial Records relating to
the Mission of Dr. John Crawfurd sent to Siam by the Government of India in the
Year 1821. Bangkok: National Library, 1915.
____. History of the Indian Archipelago. 3 vols.; orig., 1820; reprint, London:
Frank Cass & Co. Ltd., 1967.
____. Journal of the Embassy to the Courts of Siam and Cochin China. Originally
published in 1828; reprint, Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1967.
____. “Third Report”. Report from the Select Committee of the House of Commons
on the Affairs of the East-India Company, 1830, pp. 446‒73. Copy from the
University of California at Los Angeles Digitized Library.
Gutzlaff, Charles. Journal of Three Voyages along the Coast of China in 1831, 1832,

  1. Originally published in 1834; reprint, Taipei: Cheng Wen chubanshe,

  2. Ibn Battuta. Ibn Battuta Travels in Asia and Africa, 1325‒1354. Trans. H.A.R. Gibb.
    London: Darf Publishers Ltd., 1983.
    Law Ofϔicers’ Opinions to the Foreign Ofϔice, 1793‒1860: A Reproduction of the
    Manuscript series with Index and Commentaries. Prepared and edited by Clive
    Parry. Westmead, England: Gregg International Publications Ltd., 1973.
    North-China Herald (NCH), 1: 23 (4.1.1851).
    Phipps, John. Practical Treatise on the China and Eastern Trade: Comprising
    Commerce of Great Britain and India, particularly Bengal and Singapore, with
    China and the Eastern Islands. Calcutta: Baptist Mission Press, 1835. In “The
    Nineteenth Century Books on China”. Microβilm; Cambridge, 1995.

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