Contributions from European Symbolic Interactionists Reflections on Methods

(Joyce) #1

concern; see
kinderen.7086047.lynkx; accessed on January 3, 2013.

  1. The words they use to label being overweight as problematic are quite illus-
    trativeand include time-bomb, tsunami, crisis, future disaster, plague, fat kills,
    scourge, and devastating trend. These words can be found at pages xixv, 9, 29,
    132, and on the book cover (Delpeuch, Maire, Monnier, & Holdsworth, 2009).

  2. Kolata is a long time follower of the development of the obesity epidemic
    andwroteRethinking Thin(2007)aboutthe inefficacy of weight-loss strategies.

  3. Already in 1987 Wikler raised the question “Who should be blamed for being
    sick?”and claimed that “[a]n assessment of the concept of personal responsibility
    for health should precede any attempt to draw broad conclusions on rights and
    duties in maintaining health” (1987, p. 11).


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Obesity as Disease and Deviance 135

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