J. I. (Hans) Bakkeris the Stanley Knowles Distinguished Visiting Professor
at Brandon University, in Brandon, Manitoba, having taught at the
University of Guelph for 33 years. His publications include five edited
books, a single authored book on Gandhi, and over a hundred journal
articles and book reviews. He is particularly keen on the use of Peirce’s
triadic epistemology for the application of a semiotic approach to
Neo-Weberian Comparative Historical Sociology.
Danielle Chevalieris a PhD Candidate working on a dissertation jointly
sponsored by the Amsterdam Institute of Social Science Research and the
Bonger Institute for Criminology, both University of Amsterdam. Her
research focuses on the juridification of social norms in shared spaces of
everyday life and the dialectic relationship between the legal and the
Caroline De Manis a PhD Candidate in the Criminological Research
Center at Universite ́Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). She is ending her disserta-
tion on how police officers and the population are engaged in their interac-
tions on public space, the title is Interactions entre policiers et population
dans l’espace public. Des ajustements du cadre de l’expe ́rience policie`re
aux routines d’interactions ordinaires. Her other research interests revolve
around the treatment of juvenile delinquency.
Christine Leuenbergeris Senior Lecturer in the Department of Science &
Technology Studies at Cornell University. Currently she is a Fulbright
Specialist and a recipient of a National Science Foundation Scholar’s award
to investigate the history and sociology of mapping practices in Israel/
Palestine. Her work has been published in various historical, geographical,
sociological, Science Studies, as well as law journals, including Transactions
of the Institute of British Geographers; Social Studies of Science, Social
Problems, Theory & Society; Law & Ethics of Human Rights, amongst
Philip Lewinis Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at
Florida Atlantic University. His current research examines the dynamics of