Contributions from European Symbolic Interactionists Reflections on Methods

(Joyce) #1

Though my intent had been to study the interactions taking place on the
square, I had not beforehand reckoned for so many of the interactions to
be with me in play. Going beyond the initial emotional response such inter-
actions invoked in me however, I got a firm grasp of the dynamics in the
interactions on the square. Whereas the ascription of ‘bourgeois controller’
made me indignant, the ascription of female ‘old bicycle’ really got me
upset. I did not merely observe, I lived, felt, physically underwent dynamics
and interactions on the square at the irrational and undisputable dimension
of the emotional realm.
I felt thegezelligheid^14 of hanging out together, sharing nonsensical
banter and relaxing in the sun. I also felt the disapproving glances of
passers-by, the nervous tension of a police car approaching and the sudden
stop of all sociability as everyone squatters to avoid being fined for congre-
gating with more than three people. I also felt the rebellious glee of gather-
ing again when the police are out of sight, and the shift in atmosphere such
an interruption induces. I felt the subtle balance between gezellig and
rowdy, boisterous and aggressive, and I experienced repeatedly how
quickly it could flip.
At the same time I also felt the possible apprehension of entering the
square,for example when ‘Tony’ was leading the pack and not amused
by my presence. I felt the irritation of street litter and vandalized plants.
I underwent feelings of discomfort and unsafeness because of crude catcalls
and physical intimidation. All in all, I did not merely observe the ambiguity
of the space, I lived, experienced and incorporated it.
Through my embodied experience in the interactions that included me,
I subsequently also got a better understanding of interactions that I only
observed, but did not participate in. My personal experience opened
my senses to the underlying power plays under seemingly clear-cut
Consecutively it sensitized me to the different ways in which the space
and the dynamics in it could be read.



Verdipleinis the centre of the neighbourhood Stokhasselt, and primarily
caters to those who do not have the mobility or the wish to travel to the
next, much larger shopping centre. Moreover, it houses a popular discount

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