Contributions from European Symbolic Interactionists Reflections on Methods

(Joyce) #1




Caroline De Man


In this paper I reflected on managing my emotions during a study I con-
ducted of the police in Brussels which consisted mainly in observation.
Emotions became problematic because on the one hand, I tried to restrict
my observer’s role and did not wish to intervene in the work of those I
observed. On the other hand, within my family, friends, or colleagues the
issue of police practices sparked emotionally tense discussions because of
negative experiences some of them had had with the police. How could I
maintain a distance from all the emotion “in” the field and “out” of the
field? How could I manage this uncomfortable situation? This paper is
based on material from an observation carried out between October 2010
and November 2011 in the context of my doctoral thesis:Police Officers
and Youth: the Social Organization of Interactions in Public Space.
This paper will not address questions about police officers because the
focus is my research experience while remaining relatively involved in my
daily social life as a young mixed-race woman in her thirties. I realized
that fieldwork consists in a learning-by-doing process and that I had to

Contributions from European Symbolic Interactionists: Reflections on Methods
Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Volume 44, 43 60
Copyrightr2015 by Emerald Group Publishing Limited
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved
ISSN: 0163-2396/doi:10.1108/S0163-239620150000044004

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