Contributions from European Symbolic Interactionists Reflections on Methods

(Joyce) #1

Dickson-Swift, V., James, E., Kippen, S., & Liamputtong, P. (2009). Researching sensitive
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Donald, D., & Clacherty, G. (2005). Developmental vulnerabilities and strengths of children
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Eerdenwijk, A. (2007).The ABC of unsafe sex. Gendered sexualities of young people in Dakar
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Foster, G. (2004). Safety nets for children affected by HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa. In
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Southern Africa(pp. 6592). Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies.
Hammersley, M. (1992). What’s wrong with ethnography? Methodological explorations.
London: Routledge.
James, A., & James, A. (2001). Childhood: Towards a theory of continuity and change.The
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James, A., Jenks, C., & Prout, A. (1998).Theorizing childhood. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Lammers, E. (2005). Anthropology and the taboo on giving.Lova, 26 (1), 5265.
Luzze, F., & Ssedyabule, D. (2004).The nature of child headed households in Rakai District.
Geneva: Lutheran World Federation.
MacLellan, M. (2005). Child-headed households: Dilemmas of definition and livelihood rights.
Paper presented at the 4th World Congress on Family Law and Children’s Rights,
Cape Town, March.
Meintjes, H., & Hall, K. (2010). Demography of South Africa’s children. In M. Kibel,
L. Lake, S. Pendlebury, & C. Smith (Eds.),South African child gauge 2009/2010. Cape
Town, South Africa: The Children’s Institute, University of Cape Town.
Morrow, V., & Richards, M. (1996). The ethics of social research with children: An overview.
Children & Society, 10 ,90105.
Mtuze, P. T. (2004).Introduction to Xhosa culture. Grahamstown: Lovedale Press.
Prout, A., & James, A. (1990). A new paradigm for the sociology of childhood? Provenance,
promise and problems. In A. James & A. Prout (Eds.),Constructing and reconstructing
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Richter, L. M., & Desmond, C. (2008). Targeting AIDS orphans and child-headed house-
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Schenk, K., & Williamson, J. (2005).Ethical approaches to gathering information from children
and adolescents in international settings: Guidelines and resources. Washington, DC:
Population Council.
UNAIDS. (2010).2010 report on the global AIDS epidemic. Geneva: UNAIDS.
van Dijk, D. (2002). Hulle kan nie hulle hormone intoom hou nie. A study on gender, adoles-
cents and sexual behaviour in relations to HIV in South Africa. Occasional paper 109.
Nijmegen, The Netherlands, Centre for International Development Issues.
van Dijk, D. (2008).‘Beyond their age’: Coping of children and young people in child-headed
householdsin South Africa. Leiden, The Netherlands: African Studies Centre.
van Dijk, D. (2011). Bending the generational rules: Agency of children and young people in
‘child-headed’ households. In S. Evers, C. Notermans, & E. Ommering (Eds.),Not just
a victim: The child as catalyst and witness of contemporary Africa. Leiden, The
Netherlands: Brill.

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