Asian Trader Magazine – 12-25 May 2017

(Barry) #1

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Our ABC to the

BBQ season

As retailers


cannot yet predict the

weather, it is vital they

have a wide selection

of summer products

available over the

warmer months. Jo

Tilley looks at how to

cover all the basics

and bases


pring has sprung, well sort of, so it is time for
everyone to prepare for warmer weather,
refreshing drinks and of course the British
tradition, a good old barbecue. For it is one of few
certainties in this nation that when the sun is shining
the smell of BBQ will waft through the streets – as
people make the most of good weather that may go into
hiding at a moment’s notice.
For retailers, the summer months present the
challenge of ordering the right stock, and even more
importantly, the right amount of stock. However, there
are also plenty of opportunities available for retailers as
brands launch new innovative products perfectly suited
for outdoor eating occasions.
With the unpredictable nature of the British climate,
BBQs and picnics are increasingly being planned at the
last minute. This means, once again, that catching the
eye of impulse shoppers is vital because at any moment a
fl ock of customers may descend on your store demand-
ing burgers, sausages, ketchup and of course Pimm’s!
Add into the mix the fact
that busy shoppers are
leaving almost everything to
the last minute anyway, it is
crucial retailers know how
to please these impulsive
shoppers – whether it is with
a deal, clear POS or a friendly

One method of attracting summer shoppers is by
providing a wide variety. Once upon a time a few bangers
on the barby would have satisfi ed pretty much everyone
around the garden table, however, this generation of
BBQ-ers are a lot more specifi c and demanding.
There’s the vegetarians, vegans, healthy eaters,
gluten-freers, spice-lovers, just to name a few. A wide
range of products is key if you are going to strike it rich
over the summer – the more you can o er in your store,
the more likely you are going to hit the mark.
Nyree Chambers, Head of Marketing at Grace Foods
UK, says: “The types of foods consumers are choosing to
eat when they barbeque are changing. With the trend
towards vegetarian dishes, consumers are expanding
their selection of food at a barbecue to include more
grilled vegetables and salads.”
Chambers says there has been signifi cant growth in
recent years in free-from foods and with this comes
demand for greater choice.
“Sales of free-from foods were forecast to grow 13% to
reach £531m in 2016, an increase from £470m in 2015,”
says Chambers. “It’s now more important than ever for
retailers to o er a range of free-from products to meet a
host of shopper needs and BBQ season is no exception.”
Satisfying diet demands is one thing but even if you
manage that, these days many people expect to see some
originality and exotic fl avours being served up.
Young, competitive millennials are turning many
social eating experiences into a ‘Come Dine With Me’

BBQ & Summer Feature1.indd 35 5/4/2017 8:36:28 AM

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