Asian Trader Magazine – 12-25 May 2017

(Barry) #1

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Trying to revitalise a forgotten corner

of Quinton, Birmingham is Abdullha

Ali with his newly refurbished LoCost


Hello, tell us a little about your
I’m a born and bred Birmingham boy
who has been working in a corner
shop of some kind since the age of

  1. My first taste of retailing came
    when my uncle got me to help out at
    his corner shop doing bits and bobs.
    I liked the experience and when I
    left school I went straight into
    retailing and have been in it for the
    last ten years.

When did you buy your first store?
In 2009. Before I bought my first
store I had a stint as a window
salesman for four years but I always
had a desire to get back to what I
started in. So when I had had

enough of selling windows I raised
£70,000 from bank loans and my
own money and bought my first

How many stores do you have now?
I currently have three, I bought my
second store in 2011. Moving from
one store to two was difficult and I
learned a lot about staff trust and
standards but I always wanted more
shops. After that I added another to
my portfolio and am looking for
more. My shops are around the West
Midlands and in the best locations.

Tell us a little about your newest
It’s in a shopping parade in Quinton,
Birmingham. I’ve invested
£250,000 into this shop and it is a
complete refurbishment of an
existing unit and the unit next door.
The store is 3,000 sq ft and was only
opened last October. It is a brand
new store and a fully-fledged mini
supermarket. It looks really good,
clean and ultra-modern.

Why did you pick this area?
The parade has been closed down for
years because of businesses going
under so the place looked a right
state before I built this store. It was
just vacant and a-bit of an eyesore
but I saw potential in the place. I
drove past the place a few times and
could see that a large c-store would
really serve the area well. Previ-
ously, customers would have to get a
bus for 20mins to the nearest big
grocery store.

How is business going now?
It’s been hard with Brexit making
everyone hold on to their pennies,


Me My


in association with

but the first six month’s takings
were higher than we expected, so I
am very happy. The good thing is the
refurbishment created a lot of
attention with locals, passers by and
the press, so the word about the
‘new shop coming to town’ has
already been doing the rounds for a
That has clearly had an effect
because a lot of people have passed
through the doors since it opened.
Hopefully the good standards, wide
range, low price, promotions and
friendly customer service will keep
them coming back.

What do you plan to do in the
I’ve always liked my stores to be part
of the community rather than just
another brand on the high street.
Whenever I came to see the site
during construction I would let
locals know that I would be employ-
ing local people as staff. We have
scores of CVs handed to us and I’m
happy to say quite a few of them
were eventually employed.
The other major thing I’m doing
is helping locals start their own
businesses on the parade. When I
bought the store I also bought
adjacent units that were empty. I
want to lease them out to anybody
local who wants to start a business
that isn’t related to my shop. I
already have some ideas from
people about beauty salons and
hairdressers so hopefully they will
work out and we can all get the
parade back to the buzzing place it
was many years ago.

Abdullha Ali

Me & My Store1.indd 59 5/4/2017 9:45:59 AM

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