The Rise and Fall of Meter

(Tina Sui) #1

x Acknowledgments

Gikandi, Jeremy Braddock, Caroline Levine, Veronica Alfano, Evan Kindley,
Gregory Londe, Amelia Worsley, Jacky Shin, Sara Grossman, Bea Sanford-
Russell, Matt Steding, Donald Dietz, Jeff Stra bone, Ben Glaser, Matthew
Campbell, Simon Jarvis, Herbert Tucker, and Derek Attridge.
I am grateful for my dream research assistant Grant Wythoff, whose work
with the Princeton Prosody Archive has helped construct the scaffolding on
which this book was built as well as provided the platform for future histori-
cally poetic pursuits.
Immeasurable thanks are due to Terry Brogan, whose original archival
work made this book possible.
Special thanks to Sarah Cole and Julia Saville for reading early versions of
chapters, and to Anne Jamison, Jason Rudy, and Jim Richardson for comments
on the final stages. I am grateful to the anonymous readers at Oxford Univer-
sity Press and Princeton University Press for their intelligent and engaging
Thank you to my Swiss family: Raphael Vangelista and Gino, Michèle, and
David Vangelista.
My editors at Princeton University Press, Hanne Winarsky and Christo-
pher Chung, have expertly coaxed this book into its current form. I would also
like to acknowledge the encouragement, intelligence, and good humor of
Brendan O’Neill at Oxford University Press.
I am grateful for all of my supportive, engaging, and helpful colleagues at
Princeton University, especially Daphne Brooks, Eduardo Cadava, Anne
Cheng, Jeff Dolven, Sophie Gee, Pat Gugliemi, Claudia Johnson, Karen Mink,
Deborah Nord, Jeff Nunokawa, Sarah Rivett, Marcia Rosh, Esther Schor,
Nancy Shillingford, Nigel Smith, Valerie Smith, Susan Stewart, Benj Widiss,
Tamsen Wolff, Susan Wolfson, Michael Wood, and Alexandra Vasquez.
For assistance with archives I am grateful to Helen Gilio, Sue Usher, Jon
Stallworthy, Phillip Endean, and the staff of the Harry Ransom Research Cen-
ter, Bodleian Library, English Faculty Library, Scottish National Library, Brit-
ish Library, Durham University Library, University of Michigan Library, and
Princeton University Library.
Parts of chapter 5 were previously published in the article “Therapeutic
Measures: The Hydra and Wilfred Owen at Craiglockhart War Hospital,” in
Modernism 14:1 (2007), 35–54. © The Johns Hopkins University Press. Re-
printed with permission of The Johns Hopkins University Press. Thank you
also to Indiana University Press for permission to reprint a version of “Gerard
Manley Hopkins and the Stigma of Meter,” from Victorian Studies 50.2 (Win-
ter 2008): 243–53. A version of “Prosody Wars” was first published in the
book Meter Matters: Verse Cultures of the Long Nineteenth Century, edited by
Jason Hall. Reprinted with the permission of Ohio University Press, Athens,
Ohio (
I am, as always, strengthened by and grateful for the love and support of my
wonderful parents, Robert and Mary Martin.

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