The Rise and Fall of Meter

(Tina Sui) #1

272 index

Saville, Julia, 63–64
Saxons, 227n7
scansion, systems of, 80, 100, 107, 110
Schipper, Jakob, 6, 45, 227n6
“Schoolmistress, The” (Owen), 236n13
“School Recreations and Amusements”
(Mann), 32
schools, 33, 123. See also state-funded
Schools Enquiry Commission Report
(1868), 112
school stories, 18–19
Scots dialect, 17
Scott, Walter, 116, 117
Selected Poems (Owen), 176
“Sergeant’s Song, The” (Hardy), 139
Servitude et Grandeur Militaires (De Vi-
gney), 152–53
Seven Types of Ambiguity (Empson), 215n13
Seven Years at Eton (Brinsley-Richards), 105
“Shadow of Death, The” (Graves), 155
Shakespeare, William, 88, 96
Shaw, George Bernard, 98
Sheridan, Thomas, 16, 38, 40–42, 212n58,
Shilling Garland, The (E. Matthews), 125
Shorter English Poems (Morley, ed.), 209n12
Shorter Poems (Bridges), 81
Short History of English Literature, A (Saints-
bury), 96
“Show, The” (Owen), 168
Simmons, Clare, 227n7
Simple Rhymes for Stirring Themes ( J. Pope),
Sites of Memory, Sites of Mourning (Win-
ter), 148
Skeat, Walter William, 46, 91–92, 96–97,
111, 223n35
Skelton, John, 188, 240n13
Skeltonic meters, 6, 154, 188, 237n19,
Sketches and Studies of Southern Europe (Sy-
monds), 88
Smith, Alexander, 6
Social Mission of English Studies 1848–1932,
The (Baldick), 110
Society for Pure English, 13, 98, 136
Society for the Purification of English, 223n34
Society of Antiquaries of London, 23
soldier poets and poetry, 143, 145–50,
158, 162–64, 180–81. See also Owen,

Wilfred; Sassoon, Siegfried
soldiers, English literature and, 148
“Some Soldier Poets” (Gosse), 143
“Song : In War-time” (Blenheim), 141–42
“Song of the English, The” (Kipling ), 120
“Song of the Guns at Sea, The” (Newbolt),
“Song of the Soldiers” (Hardy), 137–39
songs, patriotic, 119
“Sonnet” (Bridges), 83, 222n13
“Sonnet–I Would be a Bird” (Bridges),
Sorley, Charles, 158, 235n79
“Sorley’s Weather” (Graves), 157–58
Southern Literary Messenger, 45
Speaker, The (Enfield), 16, 17
Spectator, 125
speech-disruption, 161
“Speke, Parrot” (Skelton), 188, 240n13
spelling, 77, 132
“Spelt from Sybil’s Leaves” (Hopkins), 64,
75–77, 240n19
Spirit of Man, The (Bridges, ed.), 13, 49, 51,
80, 187
sport, school, 118
“Spring and Fall” (Hopkins), 50–51
sprung rhythm: Bridges and, 82–83; of Hop-
kins, 5, 11, 46, 49, 51, 54, 60–61, 68, 82;
Samson Agonistes and, 89; “The Wreck of
the Deutschland” and, 60, 62
Spurgeon, C.F.E., 135–36
Stanford, Donald, 83, 91
state-funded schools: Anglo-Saxonism in,
111; discipline in, 118; Empire Day in,
119; Englishness and, 1, 80; Owen and,
145; patriotic poems in, 12, 101, 111,
115; in “Teachers and the Education
Bill,” 113
Stateliest Measures (Markley), 15, 208n25
Steele, Timothy, 14
Stone, William Johnson, 45, 89, 107,
214nn78, 79, 232n63
Strabone, Jeff, 27, 36
“Strange Meeting” (Owen), 178
Stray, Christopher, 33, 225n53, 225n67
stress: Bridges on, 90–91; chalk lines and,
61; Hopkins on, 55–56, 63–68, 70,
72–73, 220n70; stressed rhythm, 91,
111–12. See also instress
Study of English Literature, The (Collins),
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