The Rise and Fall of Meter

(Tina Sui) #1

index 273

Study of Metre, A (Omond), 45, 214n81
Study on English Metrical Law, The (Pat-
more), 69–70
Sutherland, Gillian, 33
Sweet, Henry, 43, 98, 221n79
Swinburne, Algernon, 6, 96, 120
Sybil at Cumae (parrot), 189–93, 195–98
syllabic verse, 90. See also neo-Miltonic
Symonds, John Addington, 82, 88

Tales of the Great War (Newbolt), 127, 129
Taylor, Dennis, 15, 46, 208n25, 213n76,
“Teachers and the Education Bill” (M. Ar-
nold), 113, 115
Teaching and Organisation (Barnett), 122
Teaching of English in England, The (New-
bolt), 7, 123, 133–35, 188–89, 233n68
Tennyson, Lord Alfred, 6, 101, 151, 208n25
Testament of Beauty, The (Bridges), 185
thesis, 217n43
Thomas, Edward, 111, 140–41, 142–43
Thorpe, Benjamin, 73
Tiny Verses for Tiny Workers (Vassey), 118
Tom Brown’s School Days (T. Hughes), 18
tone, 39–40, 42
To The Lighthouse (Woolf ), 141
“To the Spirit of Keats” (Lowell), 151
“Toy Band, The” (Newbolt), 127–29
“Transfiguration, The” (meditation point),
trauma: definition of, 160; memories and,
159, 166, 175; neurasthenic trauma, 146,
158, 161
Treasury of War Poetry, A (Clarke), 137,
Treatise on Versification (Evans), 131, 232n62
Trench, Richard Chevenix, 11, 43, 46, 53
Trilling, Lionel, 115
triolet, 81
trisyllabic, 194
trochaic rhythm, 102
Tucker, Herbert, 15, 210n24, 234n77
Turner, Sharon, 36–37

universal rhythm, 181–82
Unmediated Vision, The (Hartman), 66

Valpy, Richard, 24, 26–27
Vandenhoff, George, 44, 45

Vassey, Veronica, 118
vernacular poetics, 226n1
“Verses Written for Mrs. Daniel” (Bridges),
versification: accent and, 42; Bridges on, 94;
Goold Brown on, 43, 213n74; curricu-
lum of, 110; definition of, 183; emphasis
and, 42; in grammar books, 35, 40; of
Kipling, 230n35; Lindley Murray on,
42, 183; pronunciation and, 41; rules of,
40, 136; to teach history, 19; term, 18,
32, 39
Versification (journal), 2, 207n2
Victorian and Edwardian Schoolchild, The
(Horn), 119
“Victorian Meters” (Prins), 43
Victorian poetry, 51–52
Victorian Poetry (Armstrong ), 15
Victorian Poetry and the Culture of the Heart
(K. Blair), 15
Victorian Sappho (Prins), 199
Virgil, 21
visual perception, 71–72
“Vitae Lampada” (Newbolt), 118, 124–25,
136, 232n60
Vittoz, Roger, 237n34
vocal performance, 35, 38, 76
voice, 51–52
“Voice, The” (Hardy), 234n77
vowels, 222n26

Walker, John, 17–18
walking allegory, 40, 212n60
Ward, Thomas, 116
Ward, William, 38
War Imagined, A (Hynes), 148
war neuroses, 146, 160
War Poems ( J. Pope), 136
war poetry, 136, 137, 139, 140–43, 145–50,
“War Poetry” (Thomas), 140
Warrington Academy, 16, 17
Warton, Thomas, 209n12
Waste Land, The (Eliot), 155, 189, 237n34
Wellington House, 137, 234n75. See also
Masterman Group
“We’re Here Because We’re Here” (song ), 157
Wessex Poems (Hardy), 139, 234n78
Wheels (journal), 176
Whitman, Walt, 6, 46
“Who’s for the Game” ( J. Pope), 136–37
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