The Rise and Fall of Meter

(Tina Sui) #1

274 index

“W.H.R. Rivers and the War Neuroses”
(Young ), 159
Williams, William Carlos, 187
“Windhover, The” (Hopkins), 83–86
Winter, Jay, 148
Wolfson, Susan, 15
Woods, William, 39
Woolf, Virginia, 141, 143, 189
Wordsworth, William, 6
“Wreck of the Deutschland, The” (Hop-
kins): author’s note, 72, 220n73; Bridges

and, 61, 67, 219n58; Dixon on, 68;
metrical stress in, 62–67, 71; Month
magazine and, 217n39; nun’s death and,
63–64, 66; opening salvo of, 83; Pat-
more and, 67; readers of, 67; spacing in,
217n42; sprung rhythm of, 60, 62; theme
of, 58

Yeats, W. B., 176–77, 179, 187
Young, Allan, 159
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