African Expressive Cultures : African Appropriations : Cultural Difference, Mimesis, and Media

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298 i n de x

anthropolog y, 2, 14; media as field of in-
quiry, 4–8; mimetic interpretations by
Western anthropologists, 26–27, 27
anti-A mericanism, 178, 182
Apollonius, 85
Appiah, Kwame A nthony, 230
appropriations, 26, 181, 263; cultural appro-
priation, 17–18; etymolog y and meaning
of, 16–17; as hermeneutic practice, 18–19;
legal issues and, 18; myriad forms for
single cultural product, 1–2; ownership
and power relations in relation to, 16–17,
20; shifts in meaning and, 17–18; subver-
sive potential of, 12
A rabic language, 135, 136
A rewa region (Niger), 32–33, 37, 38
A ristotle, 9, 10, 263, 265–266
A rmbrust, Walter, 172, 178
Ashimba, 248
Ashu-Brown, Farouk, 86, 87, 88–89, 91–94, 97
Askia, Regina, 153
As-Sahab (al-Qaeda media production
house), 192
Assignment Athens (Spearman story), 68
assimilation, cultural, 17, 18, 19
astrology, 13
Atoka (photo-play magazine), 79, 272n9
Atoka Akewijesu (photo-play magazine), 80
audiences, 14, 26, 150; Hausa, 88, 116, 147;
media content interpreted by, 5; Nige-
rian audiences of Indian films, 16; West-
ern, 88, 89
audiocassettes, 2, 4, 105, 134
Auerbach, Erich, 13
authenticity, 19, 98
authority, illegitimate, 21, 31
authorship, 16
AY (Nigerian comedian), 233
“Ayoba” (EES song), 233, 236

B movies, A merican, 66, 69
Baba, ‘Dan Azumi, 133, 136
Babangida, Ibrahim, 51, 54, 193
Babule/Hauka spirits, 29, 30, 31, 261; in
Gold Coast during 1950s, 42–46; in-
tegrated into pantheon of bori spirits,
31–32, 35; in military uniform, 47, 48,

51–52; in Niger during French colonial
period, 32–35; passiones and, 39–40, 53,
54; political actions of, 35–36; praise
songs and “epithets” of, 48; as Tu ra w a
(Europeans), 46
Badr, Battle of, 135
“Bahaushiya” (Hausa woman; song), 142
Bailey, Jim, 59
Ba’kin Bature (Mushe spirit), 45
Ballard, Robert, 97
bandiri music, 91, 135
Banzi, Mussa, 163–164, 274n4 (chap. 5)
Barz, Gregory, 104, 105
Bayart, Jean-François, 223–224
Bebeji, Rabee’u, 131–132
Beek, Jan, 200
Beez, Jigal, 97, 100, 273n5
Behrend, Heike, 92
Bella (women’s magazine), 59
Bello, Abdulrashid ( JJC), 237
Bello, A hmadu, 194, 194
Bello, Usman, 212–213
Benjamin, Walter, 12–13, 14, 271n3
Besmer, Fremont E., 46
Bhabha, Homi, 11
Biafran War (1967–1970), 47
Big Ben, 238
Biggs, Ronald, 68
billboard advertising, 178, 179, 197
Billionaires Club (Nigerian film), 153
bin Laden, Osama, 24, 25, 192, 261; en-
coded and decoded, 192–196; expres-
sions of support for, 176–177; images
of bin Laden as messages, 196–198;
merchandised in A frican cottage culture
industries, 172–174, 180, 180; in Nigerian
video movies, 186–189, 188; on posters in
Lagos, 180–182, 183–185, 186
Bingo (women’s magazine), 59
Black Skin, W hite Masks (Fa non), 11
blackness, 20
Blair, Tony, 189
blaxploitation, 83, 178
Blix, Hans, 190
Blood Diamond (Holly wood film), 208
Boas, Franz, 27
Böhme, Claudia, 97, 171, 273n5
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