African Expressive Cultures : African Appropriations : Cultural Difference, Mimesis, and Media

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300 i n de x

Connecting Cultures, 253
contact and copy, 14–16, 25, 38, 147, 261; cy-
ber scamming and, 200; Titanic-related
merchandise and, 117–118
contact zones, 2, 4
convergence culture, 269
copycat syndrome, 268
copyright, 16
cosmolog y, Congolese, 115, 274n12
cosmopolitanism, 230–231, 250, 255–258
cottage culture industries, 6, 23, 118,
172, 177
crime fiction, 64, 66, 70
Crocchichia, Horace, 21, 34, 54
cultural studies, 5
culture: anthropology and, 2–3; cultural
assimilation, 17, 18, 19; cultural property,
17, 18, 271n6; as ideological construct, 2;
mimesis as second nature and, 14; sol-
diers’ influence in popular culture, 47
culture contact, 2, 3, 5
Cuna healing figurines, 14, 31
Cushing, Frank Hamilton, 27

Daawa (Islamic reform group), 132
Dan Fodio, Usman, 175, 194
‘Dan Galadima (Babule spirit), 49
dance, 2, 12, 52, 260; Chunda doka, 159–160;
mimesis and, 8; soja-dance, 47
Dangerous Desire (Tanzanian film), 274n5
(c h a p. 5)
Danlasan, Rabilu Musa, 143, 144, 146–147,
187, 188, 189, 275n6
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 24, 95, 105, 150;
Bongo movies made in, 151, 163, 268;
pop music in, 229–232; video shops of,
167, 169
Dar 2 Lagos: 4 Re-union (Tanzanian film),
24, 165, 167, 168, 169–170
Debray, Régis, 7
Dela (Kenyan singer), 232, 242
Denmark, 231, 243, 252, 257
Der Untergang der Titanic: Eine Komödie
(The sinking of the Titanic: A comedy;
Enzensberger), 117
detective fiction, 64

Diamonds of Salamar, The (Spearman
story), 67
DiCaprio, Leonardo, 97, 99
difference, cultural, 2, 20, 258; (un)doing
of, 26, 229–231, 233–243; contested taste
of, 147–149; embodiment of, 28–32; ex-
periences of, 3; mediation of, 4; mimesis
and, 39, 259; selective copying and, 16
digital tape, 15
Dinka people, 13, 39
Dion, Céline, 86–87, 93, 94, 99
Dirty Wine (W hite Nigerian music video),
238–239, 240
divination, 13
Dixon, Dorsey, 117
Dixon, Howard, 117
Dixon, Robyn, 206
Dogg, The (Namibian rapper), 238
Dogonyaro, Joshua N., 51–52
Doguwa (Fulbe spirit), 51
“Down with the Old Canoe” (folk song),
Dr. Devil (photo-novel character), 62, 67
Drum (magazine), 59–60, 66–67, 73, 78
Drum Publications, 21, 56, 59–61, 73, 74, 79;
as forerunner of Nolly wood videos, 80;
photo novels in Tanzania and, 154. See
also African Film
Duniyar Fim (Film World; magazine), 187
dvds (digital video discs), 152
Dyer, R ichard, 40–41

Echard, Nicole, 36
Edochie, Pete, 153, 159, 161
EES (“Easy” Eric Sell), 26, 232–233; collab-
orations with other artists, 236–238, 237;
cosmopolitanism and, 255–256, 258; Eu-
ropean audiences and, 247–250, 277n19;
fans and critics of, 246–247; habitus
and clothing style of, 238; Namibian
patriotism of, 239, 241; sameness and
difference performed by, 235–236; social
media and, 251–254, 277n23, 278nn24–25
Effigong (pop music band), 232
Egypt, 178
Elgon, John, 76
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