Time USA - October 23, 2017

(Tuis.) #1

30 TIME October 23, 2017

The View

‘Just talking
to you about
it, my whole
body is
New Yorker

but he’s a social pariah, with his reputation as a
goofy sweater-wearing patriarch in tatters. Then
in July 2016, Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson
filed a lawsuit against Roger Ailes, alleging years
of sexual harassment from the Fox head honcho.
Within days, more than half a dozen other women
told stories of their own, and Ailes was fired
before the month’s end (albeit with a $40 million
severance package).
In October of that year, the WashingtonPost
published a video of Donald Trump bragging
about grabbing women’s genitals. More than a
dozen women came forward to say he had done
some version of just that, from forcibly kissing
them to sexually assaulting them. (He denied the
accusations.) Between January and April, it came
to light that Fox News host Bill O’Reilly had settled
millions of dollars’ worth of sexual-harassment
claims. Some of the stories had been previously
reported, but after Cosby, Ailes and Trump,
they took on new urgency and were treated with
newfound seriousness. O’Reilly, too, was fired.

the last and accelerates the next. Toppling the first
few titans was a heavy lift, and while it’s still not
easy, each successive predator seems to fall that
much faster. Feminists have succeeded in getting
sexual harassment and assault taken seriously
enough to be career-ending. News organizations
increasingly recognize that breaking these stories
benefits both their reputations and their bottom
line—the first to get there sets the media narrative
for days or weeks. With each of these stories, you
can imagine the newsroom dictates: Find the next
Weinstein. And, if you’re the kind of person to
whom someone might talk about these things, you
hear women whisper: Should I speak out about
my own Weinstein?
This growing cacophony of mostly female
voices no doubt has the remaining Weinsteins of

the world holding their breath. But since the story
broke, there has been a collective exhale among the
women finally speaking out about “casting-couch
culture,” as Glenn Close put it in her statement
condemning Weinstein. On the heels of the initial
reports, Gwyneth Paltrow said that when she was
a 22-year-old actress, Weinstein called her into a
meeting in his hotel room, put his hands on her and,
after her then boyfriend Brad Pitt confronted him
about the harassment, threatened her to keep quiet.
In theNew Yorker, writer Ronan Farrow detailed
additional accusations, including rape, and
described the well-staffed machine that deceived
young women into spending time alone with a
man everyone knew was a predator. Weinstein
was not a solo operator, and now his vast network
of enablers is also falling under the scrutiny of the
entertainers, journalists and activists who expect
heads to roll. Weinstein’s connections, political and
professional—his power—have not protected him.
Amid the wave of allegations and outcry from
other Hollywood luminaries, Weinstein was fired.
The Weinstein Company’s all-male board was
divided on his fate. Within 48 hours, four board
members had resigned.
Weinstein had hobnobbed with the Democratic
elite, including the Obamas and the Clintons.
(Malia Obama was an intern at his company.)
He had donated to prominent Democrats,
including Elizabeth Warren and Al Franken.
After the allegations surfaced, the Beltway cohort
renounced him: the Obamas released a statement
saying they were “disgusted” by the reports,
and many Democrats turned the money he had
donated over to charity, claiming Weinstein’s
reputation hadn’t traveled from L.A. to D.C.
But the Weinstein saga nevertheless quickly
became a political volleyball. Where was
Hillary Clinton’s denouncement? asked Donald
Trump Jr. Why did the liberal media cover this
up? wondered right-wing pundits. Clinton said she

Says Weinstein
got naked in a
hotel room and
told her to lie
down on his bed
in 2010

Says Weinstein
asked her to
give him a naked
massage in bed
in 2011

Says Weinstein
touched her and
suggested they
give each other
massages in the

Says she had a
“bad experience
with [Weinstein]
in my youth”

Says Weinstein
asked her to get
naked for him in

Says Weinstein
wanted a
massage and
attempted to
make her touch
his penis in the


Sum of monetary
claimed outside
of litigation
for sexual
harassment in


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