Australasian Science - May 2016

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

4 | MAY 2016







6 Browse
A round­up of science news from our shores.


5 Up Front
Can a sugar tax save us if obesity has already permanently suppressed
the satiety signals that tell us to stop eating?

40 Expert Opinion
A second case of gene editing of human embryos has unsuccessfully
attempted to introduce resistance to HIV infection.

41 Neuropsy
Donald Trump’s appeal to voters may be explained by a preference for
authoritarian anti­establishment leaders.

42 The Fit
Is there something uniquely unhealthy about sugar above and beyond
the excess calories?

43 The Fossil File
Australian museums don’t display any dinosaurs mounted from real
bones into a life­like position.

44 Directions
Australia’s total net CO 2 emissions are much lower than are implied by
published numbers.

45 Out of this World
Astronomers have found that Saturn’s moons may be younger than
the dinosaurs, and may have seen a “baby Earth” forming.

46 The Bitter Pill
Chiropractors claim that “functional neurology” can treat conditions
ranging from epilepsy and Alzheimer’s disease to autism and stroke, but
the technology they use isn’t up to the task.

47 The Naked Skeptic
Even people who are rational about most matters can hold opinions
that aren’t supported by science or even common sense.

48 EcoLogic
Inconsistent classification of species introduces systematic bias to
ecological studies.

49 Lowe Tech
Installations of solar and wind energy will need to maintain their pace to
ensure that electric vehicles aren’t powered by fossil fuels.
50 Quandary
Cases of sexual attraction are bound to grow as “genetic orphans”
seek out their missing parents.

51 Australasian Sky
Your map of the night sky this month.
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