
(Barry) #1
factor is pressure. The Sun is a massive object and the
sheer gravitational pressure on the particles inside it is
immense. And finally there is the strange behaviour
of quantum particles, like these nuclei. They undergo
a process called quantum tunnelling that means they
can jump through a barrier, like the repulsive force,
and appear close to another particle. A fusion reactor
has to simulate these intense conditions.
One approach, adopted by some of the contenders
in the fusion race, is to go all out for heat. Without
intense pressure accompanying it, this means that
astonishing temperatures in excess of 100 million °C
are required. Inevitably it brings sizeable challenges
in getting the fuel up to that temperature, and
making sure that it doesn’t come into contact with
anything else. That might seem an impossible
restriction in itself. How can you prevent the fuel
from touching the reactor? Luckily, the difficulty
that makes fusion near-impossible in the first


In a Tokamak reactor
such as JET, a plasma is
created by letting a small
puff of gas into a vacuum
chamber and then heating
it by driving a current
through it using a powerful
primary magnet. This hot
plasma is then confined in
the chamber by a series
of magnetic fields. Two
sets of magnets, known

A fusion reactor typically
brings together deuterium
nuclei (hydrogen with
one extra neutron) and
tritium nuclei (hydrogen
with two extra neutrons)
under high temperatures
and pressures. This forms
helium and a free neutron.
Kinetic energy produced
by a loss of mass, as
illustrated in Einstein’s
famous equation E=mc2,
generates heat.

Even this has its good side. Unlike a fission reactor,
a fusion power station is not going to go critical or
melt down or explode. Unless everything is just right,
the reaction simply stops. But this reluctance to keep
working makes the whole process a huge challenge.
The problem is that the positively charged nuclei
of atoms really don’t want to fuse together. Bring
together two such particles and they repel each other.
The closer they get, the stronger the repulsion. But to
enable them to fuse, they have to be incredibly close
before the nuclear force that binds them together,
which operates over tiny distances, cuts in. Anything
over 2.5 femtometres (2.5/1,000,000,000,000,000
metres) and the force hardly exists. In a star, like the
Sun, three factors combine to make this possible.
One is high temperature. The core of the Sun is
around 15 million °C. This means that the nuclei that
are going to fuse have a lot of kinetic energy and take a
lot of stopping as they fly towards each other. A second

How plasma is confined to reach the
temperatures necessary for fusion Toroidal magnets

Primary magnet

Poloidal magnets

Plasma stream

as toroidal and poloidal,
are used to create a field
in both the vertical and
horizontal directions. These
fields act as a magnetic
‘cage’ to hold the plasma
in the desired shape.
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