
(Barry) #1


y comparison the Double is
an altogether more sleek,
modern and futuristic way to transmit
your presence into the office. In
essence, it’s an iPad strapped to
a Segway. Setup involves installing
the app on your tablet, connecting
the device via Bluetooth to the
Double, slotting it in upside down
into the device’s holder and then
visiting a website on your browser to
log in. Not needing to install any
software is a bonus, since you’re
then able to log in from any
computer in the world, firewall
Once connected, little parking feet
that hold the Double in place retract
and gyroscopes and accelerometers
keep the device perfectly balanced.
This is a neat trick, which certainly
wows onlookers, but ultimately it’s
also one of the Double’s biggest
flaws. It can’t motor around the office
at quite the same speed as the Beam
and any bumps are a bit of a test.
The small carpet strip in front of our
kitchen sent the Double into a bit of a
wobble, but after some back and
forth it eventually stabilised without
falling over. The rest of the time the
Double glides around the office
noiselessly, letting you sneak up to
your colleagues (they really won’t
appreciate this).
The iPad’s front-facing camera
is your window into the world, and
unfortunately it doesn’t provide the
sharpest image, particularly if you go
anywhere with poor lighting. The
iPad’s audio sometimes wasn’t loud
enough either, with colleagues
straining to hear me during meetings.
A clever bit of engineering means
that the rear-facing camera of the
iPad looks at the base via a prism,
but you can’t see both views at once,
meaning you have to stop and switch
cameras to navigate around
obstacles on the floor.
Once you’ve driven to your
location you can switch the Beam
between sitting and standing height

with its retractable neck, and even
flick out your parking feet to
conserve batteries. On your return
you can slot the Double into a
parking dock where it’ll charge –
though you will need to charge the
iPad separately to make sure you
don’t get caught out.


The Double is driven from your
browser, but you can’t see the view
from both cameras at once

When you’re not cruising
around, extendable feet drop to
hold the Double in place

The iPad’s rear-facing camera
shows you the view below via
a prism in the Double’s ‘head’
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