BBC Knowledge Asia Edition - December 2014

(Kiana) #1
unable to replicate the complex structure
of brain tissue. It includes segregated regions of
grey matter, mainly neurones, and white matter,
that is largely comprised of axons – projections
neurones send out to connect with one another.
However, the brain tissue created at Tufts is
3D in nature and features grey-white matter
segregation. “This work is an exceptional feat,”
said Rosemarie Hunziker, Programme Director
at the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging
and Bioengineering. “It combines a deep
understanding of brain physiology with a large
and growing suite of bioengineering tools to
create an environment that is both necessary and
sufficient to mimic brain function.”
To make the tissue the researchers created
a composite material from a spongy silk protein
scaffold and a soft collagen-based gel. The scaffold
served as a structure onto which neurones could
anchor themselves, and the gel encouraged
axons to grow through it. They then populated

A history of bioengineering

this material with rat neurones that went on to
form functional networks connected by axon
projections in just a few days.
The researchers then dropped a weight onto
the brain-like tissue from varying heights to
study the effects of traumatic brain injury. The
resulting changes in the neurones’ electrical and
chemical activity proved similar to that seen in
animal studies of traumatic brain injury. “With
the system we have, you can essentially track
the tissue response to traumatic brain injury
in real-time,” said project leader David Kaplan.
“Most importantly, you can also start to track
repair and what happens over longer periods
of time.
“The fact that we can maintain this tissue
for months in the lab means we can start to
look at neurological diseases in ways that you
can’t otherwise. That’s because you need long
timeframes to study some of the key brain
diseases,” he added.


Charles Vacanti grows
a human ear shape
on the back of a
mouse using cow
cartilage cells and a
biodegradable mould.

1997 2011 2012
Paolo Macchiarini
and a team successfully
transplant a synthetic
windpipe into a cancer
patient using stem cells
and 3D printing

Researchers from
the University of
Wisconsin grow
functional ‘liver
buds’ using human
stem cells.

Neurobiologists at
the Institute of Molecular
Biotechnology in Vienna
coax stem cells derived
from skin to assemble
into chunks of
brain-like tissue.



It’s been good for:
Alzheimer’s research
People suffering from
memory loss could be
helped by stimulating
their brains with
magnetic pulses.
Studies carried out at
Feinberg School of
Medicine in the US found that Transcranial
Magnetic Stimulation improved the ability of
healthy adults to remember names
associated with faces.

Couch potatoes
Researchers in the US have found that the desire
to exercise in mice is controlled by a region of the
brain called the dorsal medial habenula.
The team studied mice that are genetically
engineered to block signals from this area, and
found they were more lethargic. It could lead to
more effective treatments for depression.

It’s been bad for:
Fans of junk food
Australian researchers
have found that junk
food may reduce your
desire to eat a healthy,
balanced diet. They
found that rats put on a
junk food diet including
pies, cookies and cakes
for two weeks were subsequently less likely to
try new types of food. The researchers think
that a diet high in junk food causes lasting
changes in the reward centre of the rats’

Residents of Louisiana
Anyone finding themselves in Louisiana might
want to stick to drinking bottled water, as the
state’s water supply contains a deadly, brain-
eating bacteria. Residents in St John the Baptist
Parish are being advised to take precautions
when using tap water after Naegleria fowleri, a
waterborne microorganism, was found in the
water supply.


Fans of junk
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