
(Tuis.) #1
28 asiaSpa India January-February 2015 asiaSpa India January-February 2015 29

calcium. Forget the tension of tan, spend 10-15
minutes in the sun daily and get your quota of
vitamin D. Minerals like potassium and vitamin K
also contribute to bone health, though in smaller
quantities, and should not be ingored.

Cut on smoking and drinking
Though moderate alcohol consumption will not
cause any harm, an excess of it does hamper the
functioning of vitamin D and hence can cause the
loss of bone density. Smoking is another factor that
speeds up bone loss. Restrict your drink to one glass
per day and say a big no to cigarette smoking.

Check your bone mineral density
Bone Mineral Density or BMD is the measure of your
bone health. Get a BMD test done to know how dense
your bones are. Your doctor can combine the test
results (T-score) with other risk factors and advice
you on how to prevent osteoporosis.

Limit the intake of sodium in your diet
Too much sodium intake can increase calcium
dissolution from the bones. So, keep salt content
limited in food and limit your consumption of too
many processed foods as they are rich in salt.

Adopt bone building exercises to
your routine
Since bone is a living tissue, it becomes stronger
when subjected to exercise. Loss of bone mineral
density that begins during the 30s can be prevented
by exercising regularly. People who exercise are
found to have greater peak bone mass as compared
to people who do not exercise. However, not all
kinds of exercises help strengthen the bones. Weight
bearing exercises are ideal for the bones. It not only
strengthens the bones but also toughens the muscles
that support the bones and the joints.
Weight bearing exercises put extra stress on the
bones catalyzing them to respond by building their
strength. Any activity that forces your body to work
against gravity can be called weight bearing. These
exercises help build bone strength and achieve a
higher peak bone density. However, the intensity of
weight bearing exercises should be decided according
to the body’s strength and capability. Also, the
intensity should always be gradually increased.

Some weight-
bearing exercises

  • Weight training: This involves
    lifting heavy weight and should
    be done by absolutely healthy
    people. It not only builds
    muscle but also increases
    bone health and density.
    Men and women who start
    such exercise in their 20s are
    fitter and stronger than their
    counterparts who failed to
    do so.

  • Hiking: If you are an adventure
    lover, go ahead and indulge
    heavily in hiking, trekking and
    mountaineering. This will not
    only fulfill your passion for fun
    but also help build your bones.

  • Dancing and aerobics: For
    those who have a dancer’s
    foot, there is nothing better
    than dancing out every day.
    Pleasurably as it may be,
    it will also be extremely
    good for your bones and
    muscles. You may also take
    to aerobics and other similar
    forms of dance-exercises.

  • Running: Running is a good
    exercise for several reasons.
    It helps manage weight, it
    helps keep the heart in good
    health, and it also strengthens
    bones and muscles. Run a
    few kilometers every day
    and chances are you will be
    fit enough to run even when
    many of your contemporaries
    will find walking tough.

  • Climbing stairs: This is another
    healthy way to strengthen
    bones and muscles and build
    stamina. Shunning elevators
    and climbing stairs every day
    is a life-long healthy exercise.

  • Brisk walking: For those who
    are not fit enough to perform
    any of the above due to health
    or other reasons must certainly
    do brisk walking for 30
    minutes every day. This is a low
    impact weight bearing exercise
    but has good effect on bones.
    (Dr Rajeev K Sharma is a Senior
    Consultant Orthopedics and
    Joint Replacement Surgeon at
    Indraprastha Apollo Hospital,
    New Delhi)



“Weight bearing exercises are
ideal for the bones. It not only

strengthens the bones but also
toughens the muscles that
support the bones and the joints”

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